For long-time residents of Chennai, the Woodlands Drive-In restaurant was a first-of-its-kind establishment which introduced the city to Udupi cuisine. Aside from the usual suspects like masala dosas, pongal and filter coffee, what was touted as South India’s first drive-in restaurant was also frequented by stalwarts from the world of entertainment. Founded by K Krishna Rao in 1952, The New Woodlands Hotel in Mylapore was then presented in the drive-in format to patrons at the Agri-Horticulture Society – where they could be seated in the comfort of their cars and enjoy a meal at ease.
18 years after the lease for the Cathedral Road location expired, the Woodlands Drive-In has thrown open its doors to old and new diners at a one-acre spot in Arumbakkam. With a capacity to accommodate 100 guests in their air-conditioned section and 40 in the open-air verandah, the new location will be bringing back classics like chhole-bhature, peas masala with bread, Mysore bonda, rava pongal and filter coffee. Along with this, new dishes from Continental, Chinese and North Indian cuisines will also make their way to the updated menu.
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Along with breakfast and snack specials, the drive-in restaurant can also accommodate 20 cars at the dedicated area to allow diners to enjoy their meal in the vehicle. In addition to this, guests can also expect to grab lunch between noon to 3pm and enjoy preset thalis of Madras meals, special meals and a North Indian thali. Keeping in mind the nostalgic value the former drive-in restaurant had, the décor details have also been decided to evoke the same sense of familiarity.