A diet high in dairy products has several advantages. Since milk and its products include fat and cholesterol, many individuals avoid them out of concern for potential health problems. However, the truth is just the contrary. Dairy products protect the heart, which reduces the risk of heart illnesses, according to recent studies. Some people are unable to tolerate milk because of underlying medical issues. They have a variety of options for including milk in their diet. Here are some dairy products that you may make at home and add to your diet on a regular basis to reap the rewards of a diet high in dairy.
Cottage cheese is a common name for paneer or chenna. An acidic substance is added to milk to cause the milk to coagulate, producing an Indian cheese. Unlike other cheeses, it is not a cultured or cured product. A variety of dishes, curries, desserts, and sweets can be made with paneer/cottage cheese. Paneers cooked at home arrive quickly. Furthermore, all you need to curdle the milk is an acidic base and full-cream milk. Its distinctiveness gives the food it is added to a richness and flavour. It may be made into a variety of curries, stir-fries, parathas, and mouthwatering sweets. We'll need a little bit of time and perseverance to make this. Additionally, homemade paneers are affordable, unprocessed, and hygienic.
Whey Water
A leftover from the production of paneer or chenna. Whey water is produced in large quantities when we make cheese or paneer at home or occasionally when milk curdles. The whey water is typically poured down the sink. It is the watery byproduct of cheesemaking that is separated from curdled milk. Greek doctors regarded whey water as "healing water." It is a traditional byproduct that is full of healing properties and health advantages. Additionally, it is regarded as being very nutritious.
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Easy methods are used for making homemade yoghurt or curd. A few easy tips, milk, and starter can help you get creamy curd at home. The probiotics, digestive enzymes, and cooling properties of curd make it a valuable addition. In several recipes, curd or yoghurt is specified as the primary component.
Indians refer to the thin milk substitute they obtain after extracting the butter from milk, cream, or curd as "buttermilk." However, it is cultured buttermilk. Simply adding acidic ingredients, such as lemon juice or vinegar, will transform it into real buttermilk, which is great for baking or cooking pancakes. Buttermilk is a versatile ingredient that is used in many meals for its taste and flavour. However, the genuine taste, flavour, and nutritional value are boosted only if it is changed into a Buttermilk utilising cultured Curd/Yogurt/Cultured Buttermilk/Sour Cream etc. Due to its flavour and versatility, buttermilk is a common component in many cuisines. Additionally, while baking, the Baking Soda/Soda-bi-carbonate is activated. The finest beverage to combat the summer heat is buttermilk. Your stomach is soothed by buttermilk's natural nature and its probiotics, which also aid to reduce body heat.
Fresh cream or yogurt/curd can be churned to create butter. Butter can be made by either collecting the heavy layer of milk cream that floats on top of curd or by making a thick layer of curd cream. Gather it in a bowl, cover with the lid, and keep the container in the freezer before using. We can begin the process of creating Butter after there is enough cream, which is likely three to four cups. Before using, thaw the cream. There are many possibilities and uses for this homemade butter. However, the best thing about homemade butter is that it doesn't include any colouring, preservatives, or additives. Homemade butter has the extra benefits of being fresh and having a great scent.
Ghee, the finest and most refined form of milk, is known as "The Essence of Milk." The quantity of impurities in Milk is reduced at each stage of the process until the finest refined Ghee is obtained, making Ghee the purest form of milk. To make Ghee (clarify Butter), all water, buttermilk, sediment, salt, and other impurities must be eliminated since they might cause Butter to burn and darken, which increases its risk of going rancid. During the process, the air is also expelled, leaving just the purest type of oil (Ghee). By slowly heating the butter, this is achieved. At this point, we need to think about keeping the butter on a very low heat until all the bubbles disappear and the butter is just about to turn caramelised. This yields the finest ghee. The ghee-making and clarifying processes are involved, thorough, and should be carried out perfectly. The finished ghee has a gorgeous golden colour, a perfect texture that we refer to as being grainy, and amazing flavour and scent. Ghee has several culinary uses, numerous health advantages, and medicinal properties.