It hasn’t been a usual month for India, with big festivals like Teej, Rakshabandhan, and Janmashtami all happening one after the other. Now, India is gearing up for the celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi. This 10-day festival is dedicated to Lord Ganesha. Ganapati holds immense significance in Hindu mythology, and is known by many names.
The beloved son of Goddess Parvati, Bappa is also known for his penchant for food and that is, perhaps, one of the many reasons Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations are loaded with good food. Now, modak and laddoos are commonplace, but the festival is also known for some delish savouries that grace the Ganesh Chaturthi Bhog. Here are some ideas.
Sabudana Vada
This classic Maharashtrian snack is made with soaked tapioca pearls, besan, and chillies. Tapioca pearls are soaked until they are spongy, which lends a lovely texture to these deep-fried, Satvik fritters. Pair it with any chutney and chomp away.
Kothimbir Vadi
Kothimbir, in Marathi, means coriander, which is the star ingredient of this steamed snack. Vadi, refers to any slice, or wedge or cubes. These diamond-shaped vadis are renowned for their soft, savoury, cake-like texture. This green and healthy snack is both festive and healthy. Isn’t that amazing?
Alu Vadi
No, do not let the word ‘alu’ confuse you. The snack does not feature potatoes anywhere. In fact, the hero ingredient here are colocasia leaves, also known as alu in Maharashtra. The leaves are smeared with a sweet, spicy and tangy besan or gram flour paste and then rolled up and sliced like a pinwheel. They are also known as Patra in Gujarati.
Dahi Poha
In a typical Maharashtrian household, not one, but various kinds of pohas are made on special occasions like Ganesh Chaturthi and Diwali. Dahi Poha is a delish breakfast meal made with flattened rice flakes that is gently tossed with curd and jaggery. This light and comforting breakfast is sure to delight you with the first bite.
Batatyachi Sabzi
‘Batata’ is another word for potato in Maharashtra. This light and mild, dry sabzi made with potatoes, chillies, curry leaves, et al, is easy to rustle up. It is an ideal companion to those hot pooris that are a puja staple across India.
Here’s wishing you all a very Happy Ganesh Chaturthi. Try these recipes and let us know which ones you liked the best.