Critically acclaimed actress Tillotama Shome took to her Instagram to profess her love and appreciation for South Indian food. On the occasion of Onam, The Mirror actress gushed about her love for the all-vegetarian Sadya meal, cooked by Oottupura chef Marina Balakrishnan. The picture of the Sadya meal she shared featured all the classics like beetroot pachadi, avial, erissery, kootu curry, parippu, rasam and pappadam.
Tillotama also shared a close up shot of three different types of payasam that she enjoyed as part of the meal – a ghee payasam, milk payasam and one made with jaggery and chana dal. She ended the carousel of pictures with a snapshot of a previously-eaten lunch of tomato chutney, rice, dry preparations of bhindi and tendli sabzis – all prepared by chef Marina as well.
Image Credits: Tillotama Shome/Instagram
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Singing praises for the chef’s Oottupura concept, Tillotama said, “Oottupura is a community dining space in a temple. I can't even begin to describe the magic that is in the hands of the big hearted @thatthalasserygirl who loves feeding people. The most flavourful, balanced and finger licking good soul food. Also, let this be known, that this is the best sambhar I have had . No seriously!!! This is from her Onam Sadya. And then the last from a rasam rice meal with an incredible tomato chutney, bhindi and tendli sabzi, when I was down and out. A trained chef cooking from home, for the days you need a pick me up but a fully nutritious one. I also got the tamarind rice pulli...aaaaaa but that's for another day. Thank you Marina for being the home away from home meal.”
Being a true Bengali at heart, Tillotama has openly expressed her love for cooking and eating seafood – especially prawns. Rice is also one of the staples in her everyday diet and although she has admittedly steered clear of following specific diets, drinking a glass of amla juice in the morning, is a ritual she swears by. She also avoids eating out as much as possible and tries to stick to her home-cooked meals, recreating whatever she’s craving on any particular day, within the comforts of her kitchen.