Soha Ali Khan's Wholesome Breakfast Is One To Bookmark
Image Credit: Image: Instagram/Shutterstock

A healthy, wholesome breakfast is important for our body. Experts have stressed this time and again how our body needs to be refuelled every morning after 8-9 hours of sleep at night. But more often than not, due to various reasons, most of us end up having our breakfast on the go. Be it some cookies and coffee, a quick cheese sandwich or, at times, just coffee - which is not quite healthy. But did you know you can whip up a wholesome breakfast quickly and easily?  

Actor Soha Ali Khan sure knows it the best. Gearing up for her new web series, Hush Hush, she is an active social media user and keeps her fans and followers updated with tidbits from her daily life. While most of her day revolves around juggling between work and her little daughter, Inaaya Naumi Kemmu, Soha often also shared her diet and fitness secrets. Well, her workout routine has surely set some standards to match. But we can definitely take some cues from her diet too. She once revealed how a few scrambled eggs and coffee make for a classic breakfast for her. She also enjoys a few superfoods, including chia seeds and almonds.  

Now, her latest Instagram story is proof of how wholesome her breakfast is, and we are definitely stealing the idea. Taking to social media, Soha shared a picture of her morning meal, which included two lightly toasted breads with what seemed to be avocado spread all over, and a sunny side up atop. Take a look at what Soha shared: 

“All day breakfast”, Soha captioned the picture, along with a sticker that said ‘breakfast’. Doesn’t that look like a perfect combination of tasty and healthy? Well, we are definitely taking a cue. The best part? This doesn’t even take a lot of time. If you are planning to steal Soha’s idea, we’ve got you covered with some recipes.  

Click here for a recipe of avocado spread. 

A sunny side up egg is an easy and quick recipe, where you simply need to break an egg over a hot pan with a little oil. Click here for a detailed recipe.