Bollywood actor Sara Ali Khan’s love for food is no secret. Her social media presence has garnered her as many fans as her acting skills, and we absolutely love her relatable posts about food, and life in general. The internet is loaded with videos and interviews of the Atrangi Re star gushing over food. And if you follow her on Instagram, you will also get to see instances of the same. Sara is a regular in sharing her everyday tryst with food with her following over 40 million, be it while catching up with friends and family, on set or while she’s vacationing. And her latest Instagram story is the best example of that.
Currently soaking in the summer sun in London, Sara is following her tradition of bingeing on some of the most delicious delights from the city, while having some fun with her friends. And we are hooked to her Instagram to say the least. Didn’t we tell you about how she and director Karan Johar were left reservation-less at a restaurant and resorted to food from a fast-food chain? Sara made a hilarious video about it. Read more about it here. Now in her latest binge session, Sara satisfied her sweet cravings this Sunday in the most indulgent way possible.
She gave us a sneak peek of a decadent spread in front of her, full of donuts, eclairs, pastries and more from a patisserie, named ‘Bread Ahead’, in London. We could see a variety of eclairs in the picture including that of caramel, and drool-worthy chocolate one. Take a look:
“Sunday Funday,” Sara wrote alongside a collage of pictures. Don't the sweet-treats look oh-so-delicious? But that’s not all, earlier she also shared a picture of another such meal that featured a plate of scrumptious caramelised bananas. Sara wrote, "caramelised banana" and added a sticker that read, “Food coma”. Aren't those some foodie goals right there?
Sara’s vacation pictures are always a delight and a heaven for food lovers. Even the last time when she was in London with mother Amrita Singh, she gave us glimpses of all her food shenanigans- including a decadent cup of hot chocolate.
Well, we can’t wait to see what’s on Sara’s plate next, what about you?