Actress Alia Bhatt celebrated her 30th birthday on March 15, and wishes poured in from all corners. Her family and friends, as well as fans and colleagues in the Indian film fraternity, extended their heartfelt wishes for the powerhouse of talent. And it seems like her big 30th was quite an intimate affair, as she celebrated the day in Mumbai with just some of her closest family and friends in attendance. While we found one picture of the birthday girl making a wish as she sat in front of her huge chocolate cake, which was basically in the shape of numerical "3" and "0," loaded with various kinds of berries and cherries, Alia later shared some more pictures from her celebration, which was all about people and food that she absolutely loves!
The cake looked delicious and made us crave some strawberries, cranberries, and cherries. Take a look:
This was not the only celebration that Alia had on her 30th birthday. The actress' special day was all about spending quality time with her close ones, and the birthday carousel that she posted is proof of the same. In her pictures, we could spot another decadent-looking two-tier chocolate cake. Alia was seen making a wish once again before cutting the delightful cake at a restaurant. In the next few pictures, we could see her enjoying a scrumptious bowl of spaghetti as well. There was also a tres leches cake with the text "30 years of sunshine" written on it. The pictures also had Alia with her husband and actor Ranbir Kapoor, mother Soni Razdan, sister Shaheen, and a friend too. Take a look at some of the pictures here:
It looks like Alia had a gluttonous good time on her 30th! Cakes seem to be a favourite of Alia and the Kapoors too, no matter what the celebration might be. Remember Ranbir and Alia’s wedding cake? The couple got married last year, on April 14, in an intimate ceremony in Mumbai, and their stunning three-tiered lemon-yellow wedding cake was quite an indulgence, which came with cream frosting and flower motifs. Read more about it here. Now that Alia is all set to grace her 30s, here's wishing her the best of luck on her journey ahead!