Of late, the talk of the celebrity town has been Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan. She recently celebrated her birthday and shared pictures on her social media handles. The viral photos featured her with her family and friends. What caught the attention of foodies at Ira’s birthday was the creamy birthday cake that she enjoyed. The cake in the picture had white frosting with fresh and juicy mango bits as toppings. The candles on the cake were in the form of cute footballs as Ira is known to be a huge football fan, and is often seen rooting for women’s football leagues. We also got a look at the biryani that was kept on the table, on the side of the cake. A birthday celebration is incomplete without a hot plate of tempting biryani!
Ira and her friends were seen enjoying drinks at the pool party and burning the calories on the bouncing house. Ira who turned 25 recently, also posed with Kiran Rao with a drink in her hand, inside the pool. The birthday bash received a lot of attention because of a controversy regarding Ira’s attire, however, celebs like singer Sona Mahapatra stood up for Ira. Ira’s fans countered the unnecessary trolling by asking the trollers - what other attire would be appropriate for a pool party.
Aamir’s daughter has quite the sweet tooth and enjoys digging into cakes every now and then. Her social media gives you a glimpse into the sort of treats she enjoys. From marshmallows to tiramisùs, Ira is fond of sweet treats and is also not shy from trying her hand out at baking them. She has baked a coffee cake in the past and shared a photo of the same on her social media. Snaps of Ira enjoying yoghurt and cereals also showcase the foodie side to her.
Cakes featured in celebrity bashes like these sure leave us tempted to try out the recipe at home. If you’re in the mood to eat a delicious vanilla cake, but don’t want to get into the grind of a baking session, here’s a quick recipe to satiate your cannula cravings with.
Vanilla Cupcake With Mango Bits
Freshly cut mango bits
2 large eggs
1 cup sugar
Whipped cream
1/2 cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
pinch of salt
1/2 cup milk
Method: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and insert cupcake liners into the cupcake pan. Beat eggs and sugar and add butter and vanilla extract until the mixture becomes buttery and whipped. In a small bowl, pour through a sieve some flour, baking powder, and salt. Alternating with the milk, add the sieved through dry ingredients to the previously whipped egg-sugar mixture in three equal parts. Pour the batter into the cupcake liners. Bake for 20 minutes and decorate with whipped cream topped with mango bits, once out of the oven.