A mystical marvel emerging from fabled land of China, for decades, Oolong Tea has been one of Asia’s best kept treasures. A savory delight that not only immerses our taste buds, but also enhances our wellness, Oolong was destined to win over every tea fanatic.

Boasting of a distinctive making process, the preparation of Oolong Tea involves the semi-oxidation of withered leaves which are then tossed in baskets and eventually wok fired. This lends it a unique taste and texture that is truly second to none.

But, it’s not just its scrumptious essence that makes the good old Oolong special; it is also one of the healthiest offerings in the beverage world. Here are five features of Oolong Tea that are pivotal to our wellness:

Wholesome for the heart

A natural wonder rich with powerful antioxidants, Oolong can regulate our stress levels, control our cholesterol and nurture our heart. The most essential factor for good cardiac health is optimum sleep, and Oolong is laced with calming properties proven to aid sleep patterns. Ideally not recommended as a bedtime drink, Oolong can always serve as the perfect afternoon nap buddy or a nice little relaxant during long and hectic travels.

Blissful for the brain

If cerebral enrichment is what you are seeking, look no further than a scrumptious cup of Oolong. Inheriting the sublime powers of L-Theanine, a compound known to bolster brain activity, Oolong is just what our mind needs to focus more and fret less. L-Theanine can also settle our mood patterns and be a great calming influence on our mental strength. 

Sensational for the skin

A sip of Oolong can make your face glow bright and your skin beam brighter! Hidden in that delectable stream of taste is the magic of polyphenol antioxidants which can protect the skin from a variety of disorders and also equip it with the resources to fight them. In today’s world, we are exposed to harmful UV rays much more than ever! Slurping away on some Oolong may not be a bad idea in such times.

Wonderful for weight loss

Planning to lose some kilos? Oolong is famous for being fierce on the flab. A blend of weight loss friendly minerals and vitamins ensure that every time you gulp down a glass, your exercise regimen is further strengthened. Traces of magnesium, calcium and potassium are also present, which make Oolong and weight loss a match made in fitness heaven! 

Terrific for teeth and bones

Oolong can help you gain that shining smile and stunning stride. Its ingredients actively contribute in improving bone density while also bolstering our enamel health. Consumption of Oolong Tea can help our teeth wade off that pesky plaque. It also prevents our gums from catching gingivitis.

So, the (Oo)long and short of it is that Oolong is meant for any and every “chai” lover. Are you wondering how to brew up this tangy beverage? Well, read on to learn the best way to make a cup of soothing Oolong Tea:


    Mix 2 grams of Octavius Oolong tea for 180 ml of water

    Boil water in kettle for few minutes

    Sprinkle the tea leaves and steep them from 1 to 5 minutes depending on how strong you like your tea

    When steeped appropriately, strain the tea into a tea cup.

    Add a slice of lemon, peach or any of your favourite flavour and indulge in an amazing experience