Although modern medicine has come a long way, there are still extraordinary benefits that can be found in traditional recipes. From Haldi Doodh to healing teas, the world is slowly turning to ancient remedies to boost health and wellness in daily life. One of the drinks that have seen a resurgence in popularity worldwide is Jamu juice, a concoction that hails from Java, Indonesia and has taken the internet by storm.

It is thought to have originated over 1,000 years ago in the royal palaces of Java to keep the women of the court healthy and strong after childbirth. Over the years it continued to be known as a women’s health drink gaining notoriety for its benefits until it was enjoyed by royalty and the common public alike. Made with a base of fresh turmeric, ginger, honey, water and lemon, it’s known for its anti-inflammatory properties and immune-boosting potential. There is also a version of the drink made with raw egg yolks which were consumed more often by men for its increased protein levels. 

Although there are many health drinks that don’t always live up to the hype, the benefits of Jamu juice are firmly grounded in science. This is down to the two key ingredients, turmeric and ginger. Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits which clear the skin and the rest of the blood system. Ginger on the other hand tends directly to your gut health with a compound called gingerol and can reduce gas, prevent constipation and improve digestive health overall 

The best time to drink Jamu juice is first thing in the morning so the effects can get to work on your empty stomach and revitalise you for the day. It’s usually served chilled straight from the fridge but can also be warmed slightly if you prefer. With only a few simple ingredients and a 5-minute preparation process, this is the health shot you can keep on hand to refresh your diet in seconds.


  • 125 grams fresh turmeric
  • 20 grams fresh ginger
  • 4 cups coconut water
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • A pinch of black pepper (optional)


  • Slice the turmeric and ginger with the skin on into thin disks
  • Add the turmeric, ginger, black pepper and coconut water into a blender. 
  • Blend on high speed for about a minute, until smooth.
  • Pour the mixture into a pot and bring it to a boil. 
  • Reduce the heat to low and let it simmer for 20 minutes. 
  • Add the lemon juice and honey, and stir well.
  • Strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve, nut milk bag or muslin cloth. Then pour into a glass bottle or jar and refrigerate. Enjoy chilled or warm.