'What do you need for breakfast? Nothing much, just the bread and butter will work'. 'What will you have in the evening? Make a bread omelette, and I am pretty happy with my comfort food.' So, does this happen to you? We have often seen the bread inclusion in almost every household, whether for breakfast or evening snacks. I feel that neither my morning nor evening can pass without bread. But don't you get bored by eating only one type of bread? If different and healthy slices of bread are available, why compromise on taste? So, today with this article, let us share some such loaves of tasty and healthy bread that can be eaten in variations.

Focaccia Bread

This is also an Italian bread commonly seen in every household in Italy. Therefore, you will easily find this bread in the market. This bread is tasty as well as healthy. Garlic is used to make this bread, and you know that garlic is considered suitable for your health. In addition, it is said that a little olive oil is also mixed in it, which is regarded as a health effect.

Fruit bread

When you can taste fruits in bread, what is the need to eat jam or anything else with it? Yes, fruit bread is one such bread in which you will get the taste of fruit along with bread. Do you know it doesn't even need to be toasted like other pieces of bread? Just take it out of the container and eat; it is tasty and healthy.

Multigrain bread

Do you know that refined flour is used to make multigrain bread? Many experts believe that this bread contains nutrients like vitamin B, A, magnesium and iron, which are very beneficial for the body. So before buying ordinary bread, consider this healthy multigrain bread next time.

Ciabatta Bread

Italian foods have been preferred in India for years as you will find various Italian hotels on every street and square. So if you like Italian food, you will love this bread too. Ciabatta is an Italian bread made using wheat flour, salt, yeast and considered very healthy.

Brown bread

Brown and rye bread is also on this list of healthy loaves of bread. It is said that carbohydrates, protein, fibre, magnesium, calcium, and iron are present in these slices, a perfect diet for your health.

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