If you ask me, I cannot not order filter coffee when at a south Indian restaurant. It is a staple. And now that winters are right here, I think it is the best time to enjoy the south Indian delight. And if you are still the one to drool over a cup of cappuccino, you might have not tried a strong cup of filter coffee. It comes straight in a stainless-steel bowl with a steel cup and smells so strong that you’ll forget all the tiredness you had before. Many different versions of coffee came and went but filter coffee has stood the test of time and has been embraced by a number of coffee lovers. The story of coffee in south India too is an interesting one. While it may have entered India somewhere in 17th century in Karnataka, It is said that coffee (along with tea) boomed in India somewhere in the 19th century and was embraced by the modern class almost immediately. It led to a hike in price as coffee took a 'premium' stature.  

But in south Indian homes, tea was considered as a poor man's drink which is why they opted for coffee, besides the amazing taste, of course. And so people of south India know how to brew a cup of perfect filter coffee but if you too are a fan of filter coffee but always fail to brew a perfect cup, we’ve got you sorted.  

With tips, tricks and a perfect recipe, here is how you can ace your daily cup of filter coffee.

1. Coffee Filter

The first step to a refreshing cup of South Indian filter coffee is to buy a good coffee filter. South Indian homes use a drip brew process using a specific type of coffee filter. It comes with two cylindrical cups wherein the upper part has a pierced base which allows the decoction to filter through into the tumbler right beneath it. While this comes in stainless steels, if you want to be old school, you can also get a brass one, that is said to enhance the flavour too.  

2. Brewing

After you have the perfect filter, make sure it is completely dry. And then comes the most critical part – brewing the coffee. Coffee experts have vouched for overnight process of brewing for the perfect cup right in the morning. One can also brew a reasonably good coffee in an hour. If you need about two cups, then three teaspoon of coffee is quite a good measure. You simply need to transfer the coffee to the upper perforated cup of the apparatus and flatten it with a plunger or spoon. Pour water and let it brew.

3. The Water

Do not pour boiling hot water to the coffee, instead pour warm water over the coffee to let it brew. And let it brew for a good amount of time. Remember good coffee takes time.

Find the full recipe of South Indian filter coffee here. Try it at home and share your experience with us.