With changing times, people’s attitude towards food is also changing. Gradually almost everyone is heading towards eating healthy. But, are you sure the food you having considering nutritious is healthy? There is an array of food items available in the market that is being sold with a tag of healthy eatables. However, they are debilitating to your health.

What Makes Your Food Unhealthy?

The basis of differentiating between healthy and unhealthy food items is their preparation method and types of ingredients used. Those containing added sugar, too much sodium, and fat should be avoided. Be careful while picking processed foods. Choose lean meats that contain less than 10 per cent fat.

List of Commonly Eaten Unhealthy Foods

Below are a few food items that should not be a part of your daily diet.

Packaged Fruit Juices

If you prefer buying packaged fruit juices instead of real fruits, you are actually filling your body with added sugar, chemicals, and artificial flavours and colour. Fruit juices taste delicious because of the sugar added to them. Also, they last longer because of the preservatives present in them. That is why we advocate eating fresh fruits rather than having packaged fruit juices.

Flavoured Yogurt

Flavoured yogurt is a common choice for most people these days. From blueberry to chocolate to mango and strawberry, you would find yogurt with too many flavours. But, you should not fall for any of these as artificial flavours and too much sugar is added to make them. That’s what makes flavoured yogurt an unhealthy food.

Diet Coke

Diet coke is almost every fitness enthusiast and weight watcher’s favourite drink to have. The manufacturer of diet coke has marketed the item as a sugar-free and calorie-free beverage. However, that’s absolutely false. Diet coke is made with a mixture of additives, artificial sweeteners, and carbonated water. Having this drink will only cause severe dehydration. It has no nutritive content and the artificial sweetener present in the coke increases the production of fat cells.


If you are craving snacks, go for natural and healthy eatables like soaked gram, dry fruits, etc. Opting for granola cereal and granola bars is a strict no-no. These so-called healthy snacks found abundantly in the Indian market are made with added sugar. Those who can’t live without granola can make it a healthier option by mixing some nuts and seeds into plain granola.

Salad Dressing

Salad is one of the healthiest meals to have. It is rich in fiber, essential minerals, and vitamins. Having salad can keep you satiated for longer and help in weight loss too. However, if you are mixing salad dressing to it, you are making this healthier option unhealthy. Most salad dressing available in the market is made of added sugar, salt, mayonnaise, and other such sauces.