The usual reaction when someone mentions cake in a conversation is that how long is it going to take to bake it? It is a natural assumption that if it’s a cake, it has to be baked. However, we’ve seen several food combinations and experiments in the recent times which show that baking is not a necessity to eat a cake. Take, ice cream cakes for instance. The outer layer of the cake is generally crunchy and hard but as soon as you slice it, solid chunks of ice cream mixed with soft and gooey bits of cake come right onto your plate. I tried a black forest ice cream-flavoured cake on my birthday last year and I’ve become a fan of them ever since. 

Another popular style of cakes is the cheesecake. Although I had heard a lot about the deliciousness of cheesecakes, my first tryst with cheesecake happened a few years back at a restaurant in Mumbai. We were having lunch post which my friend felt like eating something sweet. One glance at the dessert menu and she instantly exclaimed that she wanted to have the New York Style Cheesecake. This seemed to be a popular choice because a lot of the tables around us ordered the same. The yellow-coloured slice of cheesecake arrived on our table, with a slice of chocolate to top it. As I took my first bite, I think it was my last. I didn’t like it at all. 

However, recently I discovered that cheesecakes can be of a variety of types. In fact, there are certain cheesecakes that don’t need to be baked at all. Did you about these cheesecakes? 

Bake Versus No-Bake Cheesecake 

The baked versions of cheesecake are the ones that you’ll most commonly find at cafes and bakeries because they are able to hold the structure of the cheesecake for long, providing it with a longer shelf-life. The baked cheesecake makes use of eggs and soft cream cheese to form a thick layer at the top while the base is a crusty cookie or pastry. The baking of the cake at low temperatures over a long period of time gives the cheesecake a fluffy, moist and smooth texture which is generally not found in case of the no-bake versions. This happens all thanks to the use of eggs and cream cheese which lend it the ideal texture unlike unbaked ones which only use whipped cream and cream cheese in the mixture. 

The unbaked version is more of a mousse-like sweet dish whereas a baked cheesecake has a custard-like texture, which is held together due to the use of gelatin instead of egg for protein. The former is a delicate dish since it is set in the refrigerator and usually should be consumed within a few hours. The best part is that unbaked ones are quite hassle-free and can be ready in a matter of few hours for a quick dessert. The downside is that you cannot pour any toppings like chocolate sauce onto the cheesecake since it will lose its shape and structure almost instantly. 

If you’re in the mood for a dense and velvety cake, then the cheesecake baked in a water bath is ideal. In case, you want a light and airy dessert post your meals, opt for a no-bake version chilled in the fridge. The latter is also an ideal choice for vegans since it doesn’t consist of eggs.  

Now that you know the difference between the two, are you in the mood for a delicious cheesecake tonight? Baked cheesecake lovers, here you go. 

1.  Classic New York Baked Cheesecake 

With a crusty layer of crushed sweet biscuits at the bottom, it serves as the perfect base for a thick and soft chunk of cream cheese and eggs on top. Mixed with sour cream and lemon rind, the cheesecake has a tangy smell and taste to it. Top it up with some fresh blueberries for a pop of colour and flavour. 

2.  Vanilla And Rhubarb Baked Cheesecake 

The hue of yellow on the cheesecake with a tinge of bright violet rhubarb in between gives the cake a great appearance. A crunchy base of granita biscuits forms the bottom layer of the cheesecake while the washed and chopped rhubarb leaves are mixed to the cheesecake batter. 

No-bake hassle-free cheesecakes, these ones are for you. 

1.  Strawberry No-Bake Cheesecake 

This bright-coloured cheesecake with pops of strawberry on top gives the otherwise white cake a vibrant hue. The silky and soft texture of the cheesecake is attained, all thanks to cornstarch. 

2.   No-Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake 

Adding a healthy touch to the sweet cheesecake, pumpkin-flavoured cake batter is slathered on a crusty base and set in the refrigerator to be chilled to perfection.