4 Tips To Make The Perfect Eggs Benedict For Breakfast
Image Credit: iStock, Eggs Benedict are a popular American breakfast.

Like eggs for breakfast? A nutritious item for the morning meal, eggs can be made in several ways. From omlettes to sunny side up and scrambled eggs, there is no dearth of the kind of eggs you can make for breakfast. However, it must have gotten boring for this Wall Street broker, Lemeul Benedict when he decided to place an order for crispy bacon on toast along with poached eggs and a hollandaise sauce. This happened in the year 1894 when Lemeul headed to the Waldorf Hotel for breakfast and couldn’t pick anything new from the menu. That’s when he decided to give wings to his imagination and invent what we call Eggs Benedict or Eggs a la Benedict, as he would call it. The chef at the hotel liked it so much that he included it in his menu with slight variations. 

For the uninitiated, Egg Benedict are a popular American breakfast that comprises of two halves of an English muffins, topped with Canadian bacon, poached eggs and hollandaise sauce from the French. Believed to have originated in New York City, Eggs Benedict have spread their fan fare to other parts of the world too. However, bringing together these delectable items together on a plate is no child’s play. You have to put in a lot of patience and effort to get it right. Don’t fret if you haven’t been able to achieve the perfect Eggs Benedict yet. Here are a few tips and tricks that will come in handy. 

Source: iStock

  1. The most important step is to poach the eggs properly, without letting the yolk break. For this, you need to use fresh eggs and break them in a separate bowl before adding them to simmering water. This is because directly breaking them into the water would lead to higher chances of the yolk separating. 
  2. Do not poach the eggs for too long as that might affect the taste as well as the shape of the eggs. Four minutes is approximately the right amount of time required for poaching. After you have poached them, you can use a paper towel or even a stale piece of bread to drain the water from the eggs. 
  3. For making the hollandaise sauce, you need to melt the butter but make sure it is just the right amount of warm. Too little wouldn’t heat the yolks enough and too hot would make the water evaporate from the eggs. You want a thick sauce, but not so much heat that the eggs start to scramble. 
  4. Once the sauce has emulsified to the texture of mayonnaise, you are ready to make your Eggs Benedict. Since the sauce might lose its structure in sometime, do not make the sauce or poach the eggs too ahead of time.