Actors Soha Ali Khan and Kunal Kemmu's daughter Inaaya Naumi Kemmu turned five yesterday (September 29). The mother shared snippets from the birthday celebrations on social media. While Soha’s Instagram stories were full with birthday wishes for her little one from friends and family, one wish that stood out was that from actor and aunt Kareena Kapoor Khan, who wished Inaaya gets to eat all the cake she wants on her big day.
Kareena posted an adorable picture of Inaaya with her son Taimur, where both the kids can be seen praying. “I don’t know what you both are praying for…but I pray for your joy and happiness and that you get to eat all the cake you want at whatever time you want today”, Kareena captioned the picture. And it seems like her wish did come true, as Inaaya did get to have loads of delicious cakes on her 5th birthday.
In one of the pictures that Soha shared on social media, we saw Inaaya dressed adorably in a pink dress, standing with her parents, cutting two decadent-looking cakes. While one cake was a heart-shaped chocolate one with chocolate ganache all over and standees with heart and star placed atop, the second cake was a customised one. Take a look:
The cake had a brown shoe with a man and woman beside it. The cake looked super cute with white, red, and green cream around it. ‘Happy Birthday Inaaya’ was written on the cake.
Sharing the post, Soha wrote, "And just like that... 5! 5 years of being called mama and papa. 5 years of having your heart walking around outside your body. 5 years of indescribable inexplicable indisputable love. A journey with the love of my life and 5 years with the life of our love", followed by evil eye and heart emoticons.
Soon after she shared the post, Kareena commented, "Happy birthday beautiful princess I want cake …." Well, Bebo does deserve the cake after that adorable foodie wish. Soha and Kunal got married in 2015, and welcomed their daughter Inaaya in 2017.