Using a precise technique called pleating, we make sure that the edges of the dumplings are properly sealed so that the filling does not leak out while they are being steamed. When momos are properly pleated, the fat, meat, and vegetables are all thoroughly steam-cooked, and when you bite into one, the wonderful liquid just flows out as you would expect. The steam that gathers inside the dumpling, however, will exert greater pressure on the seal and cause it to open if there is even the tiniest breach in the pleating. All the juices will be lost as a result, leaving the momo mushy and the contents dry. The momos are attractive because of the varied pleating patterns. You may cut out figures like a crescent, a half moon, money bags, and more. At first, pleating them could take a while, but with practice, you'll pick up the technique. It doesn't matter how the dumplings look as long as you correctly seal them; the flavour will remain the same. It is very important to fold/pleat the momos properly as this will prevent the fillings from oozing out. Making momos is all about folding them properly. If you know the technique, then trust me most of your momo-making process is done.
Here are some tips to pleat momos properly-
1. If you can find wonton wrappers where you live, use them. You'll save time and find it more convenient.
2. If you choose to prepare the wrappers by hand, knead the dough thoroughly until it has a slightly firm consistency and allow it to rest for 30 to 60 minutes. This will make rolling it easier.
3. Avoid rolling the momos too thickly; if they are too thick, they may expand within the steamer and cling together.
4. Make sure the flour wrappers are not too thick or thin when they are rolled out. The tiny ones will fall apart during steaming, while the thick ones will have a heavy flavour.
5. Keep the dough and the prepared wrappers covered with a damp towel or plate while rolling and pleating to prevent drying out.
6. Always liberally oil the steamer and the dumplings to prevent sticking.
7. They can be frozen by being placed in the freezer right away, and then steamed later.
8. However, don't simply store them in the refrigerator as the filling will exude liquids, causing the dough wrapper to become soggy and tear.