Most of the times, if we get to know the benefits of something, we tend to think that it stands to cause us no harm at all. We often do this blunder of overlooking faults of things that are portrayed as extremely healthy or nutritional. But in doing that, we forget that nothing is good when consumed in a large quantity. Surviving on extremes should be the last thing on our minds when we are trying to maintain a healthy diet. One such blunder we commit is consume too much of conventionally healthy stuff, without knowing the repercussions of doing the same.
Lemon water is considered to be very healthy and beneficial. It boosts immunity and is touted as the liquid miracle if someone wants to lose weight. The go to drink of many people is the humble lemon water. But did you know that consuming the same miraculous lemon water in extremes can be the cause of massive health related problems that you may not even be aware of? Yes, it's true and to keep you informed about the harms of having an excess of lemon water, here is a list about the same.
It can cause major damage to your teeth and overall dental heath
Lemons are extremely acidic in nature, which has the power to deteriorate your dental health and teeth quality. They can lead to rot in your teeth or enamel erosion too. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to drink your lemon juice with a straw to decrease the damage.
Aggravating canker sores or simply put, mouth ulcers
The very same acidic property that is the best part about lemon is also the biggest drawback of it. Research has proven that the citric acid in lemons can actually aggravate mouth ulcers. So, of you have canker sores, please avoid consuming lemon water or juice.
Excess of lemon juice is detrimental to dental and oral health | Unsplash
Now, this one is hard to believe as lemon water is generally considered to be good for the stomach. But it is important to note that if you consume too much citrus fruits too often, you tend to suffer from gastrointestinal problems, heartburn, acid reflux, nausea, and vomiting. So, people having these issues should refrain from having lemon water.
A possible connection to migraine
Although this has not been proven, but many experts think there is a connection between migraines and excess of citric fruits like lemon. So, if you tend to have head ache and you also drink too much lemon infused water, try to cut down on the latter.
So, while lemon and lemon water are both very healthy, they do come with their own sets of drawbacks. Try to understand that before making a decision as to how much of it do you want to consume on a daily basis.