Part of every breakfast buffet in India, Milkshake is a sweet drink prepared with minimal ingredients. They are made by combining milk, ice cream, and flavourings or sweeteners such as butterscotch, caramel sauce, chocolate syrup and fruit syrup. Milkshakes can also be made with non-dairy products such as almond milk, coconut milk, or soy milk.
One of the delicious milkshakes is Butterscotch Milkshake. It is a wonderful drink prepared by blending milk and butterscotch ice cream and served chilled. The drink can be prepared with or without ice cream. This drink is also a tasty delight for families at weekends & special occasions. It is a healthy drink when compared to carbonated drinks.
Milkshakes first appeared in the United States in the twentieth century, and they become very popular after the launch of electric blenders in the following two decades. It is a popular drink which is served worldwide. The main thing to prepare this recipe tastily and yummy is by adding a lot of ice cubes to it. This will make it a nice frothy drink.
butterscotch shake/
This butterscotch milkshake is endlessly customizable and loved by kids as well as adults. It can be prepared by adding butterscotch flavour and using light vanilla ice cream and skim milk to save on calories. On the other hand, you can also prepare milkshakes in other flavours such as chocolate chip, coffee, black current or mango flavour. You can also top these milkshakes with crushed candy, sprinkles, or any other topping as per your preference.
Here's how to prepare Butterscotch Milkshake easily at home! Let’s dig into the recipe.
Cooking Time: 10 minutes
Servings: 2
1. 6 tsp Sugar
2. 1 tsp Butter
3. 3 tsp Fresh Cream
4. 1.5 cups Milk
5. 1/4 cup Yoghurt
6. Pinch of Salt
7. Ice Cubes
8. Whipped Cream
9. Cinnamon Powder
1. Heat a vessel and put sugar on it. Let it cook for a while until you receive a syrup kind of consistency
2. In this step, put butter and fresh cream. Mix well and switch off the flame after mixing them
3. Now, pour cold milk followed by sugar into the vessel. Once done, turn off the flame again. Next, transfer the mixture to a big bowl and put yoghurt. Whisk all the ingredients well. Include ice cubes as well and mix them
4. Next, put a pinch of salt and stir again
5. Finally, put it in a serving glass and top it with some whipped cream. Now, sprinkle the cinnamon powder and the delicious Butterscotch Milkshake is ready to serve
Important Points To Remember:
1. Ice cubes can be added while grinding also
2. You can also add sugar or honey instead of condensed milk to prepare the milkshake
3. Butterscotch essence can also be used instead of butterscotch sauce and you can top the drink with readymade butterscotch chips
Butterscotch Milkshake is a delightful drink which you can always have during the evening time with your family or friends. Enjoy!