8 Essential Hacks You Need To Cook With Fresh And Dried Herbs
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You may think of herbs as just a garnish to savoury dishes, but any homecook or chef will tell you that this assumption is wrong. Herbs, whether they are fresh, seasonal and local or dried, exotic and imported, add a lot more value to any dish than just a decorative piece. Herbs add depth, complexity, and aromatic qualities to dishes, enhancing the overall taste and sensory experience of the food. They can provide a pleasant and unique flavor profile, transforming a simple dish into something more delicious and satisfying. 

But flavour apart, there are plenty of health benefits to adding more herbs to your food too. For example, by using herbs to season your food, you can reduce your reliance on salt, excessive amounts of which can be detrimental to health, especially for individuals with high blood pressure or other health conditions. Many herbs contain a variety of beneficial nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals—though the amounts of these nutrient may vary. 

What’s more, traditional Indian medicine has always supported the use of local, seasonal herbs to improve everything from digestion to immunity. In fact, herbs all over the world have been attributed with healing capacities according to traditional medicine systems and even folklore. So, the benefits of adding more herbs to your food are many, and the flavour benefits help a lot too. If you want to add more herbs to your everyday food and are wondering how best to make this addition, then look no further. Here are eight tips for cooking with fresh and dried herbs at home. 

Video credit: YouTube/Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

It is, of course, very important to note before we begin that fresh and dried herbs may have different flavor profiles, and the appropriate usage may vary depending on the recipe. Fresh herbs generally have a more vibrant taste, while dried herbs tend to have a more concentrated flavor. Experimenting with different combinations and quantities of herbs can help you discover your preferred flavor profiles. 

Choose Fresh Herbs Wisely

When selecting fresh herbs, look for vibrant leaves with a strong aroma. Avoid wilted or discolored herbs, as they may have lost their flavor and freshness. It is also recommended that you opt for fresh herbs that are in season and grown locally. If you are unsure about these then ask your local farmer or vegetable vendor about the available varieties. 

Store Fresh Herbs Properly

To keep fresh herbs at their best, store them properly. Trim the ends of the stems and place them in a glass of water, covering the leaves loosely with a plastic bag. Alternatively, you can wrap them in a damp paper towel and store them in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Use them within a few days for optimal flavor. 

Utilize Fresh Herbs At The Right Time

Firstly, fresh herbs should be used up quickly or stored properly to maintain their benefits. Fresh herbs are delicate and can lose their flavor if cooked for too long. To preserve their freshness and flavor, add fresh herbs toward the end of the cooking process or as a garnish. This allows the herbs to infuse their flavors without being overcooked. 

Adjust Quantities For Dried Herbs 

Dried herbs are more concentrated in flavor compared to fresh herbs. As a general rule, use about one-third of the amount of dried herbs in place of fresh herbs in a recipe. However, it's best to follow the recipe's guidance or adjust to taste based on your preference. 

Crush Dried Herbs Before Adding

Before adding dried herbs to your dish, rub them between your fingers or crush them slightly. This helps to release their essential oils and intensify their flavors. Whether you are using Kasoori Methi or dried Oregano, the logic behind crushing dried herbs remains the same. 

Be Mindful Of Cooking Time

While fresh herbs wilt and cook very quickly, dried herbs can withstand longer cooking times and are often added at the beginning of the cooking process to allow their flavors to meld with other ingredients. Consider the cooking time when deciding when to add fresh herbs or dried herbs to your dish. 

Experiment With Herb Combinations

Herbs can be used individually or combined to create unique flavor profiles. Experiment with different combinations of herbs to find your preferred tastes. Common herb pairings include basil and oregano, rosemary and thyme, cilantro and mint. In Indian cuisine, coriander, mint and dill often work together, especially in biryanis and raitas. 

Don't Be Afraid To Try New Herbs

Expand your culinary repertoire by exploring herbs you haven't used before. Venture beyond the familiar and try herbs like coriander and mint and try out tarragon, dill, sage, or marjoram. Each herb brings its own distinct flavor to dishes and can add a delightful twist to your cooking.