Feta cheese is a tempting variety of cheese that is made from goat's milk and is very soft. Unlike many other types of cheese, it has a rather smooth surface without any kind of holes and very few cuts. At a closer look, one will find that the texture of this cheese is a little grainy and crumbly. A lot of people confuse feta cheese with cottage cheese, but these two are entirely different from each other.
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Feta cheese is more susceptible to melting at a high temperature than cottage cheese, which stays intact, even at a very high temperature. Often considered one of the healthiest cheeses, feta comes with a lot of health benefits. Here are some of the top health benefits of eating feta cheese.
* Great For Bones
Feta cheese is a great source of calcium as well as phosphorus, both of which are very good for the health of the bones. As per an article published by Harvard Health, feta cheese is among the 25 top sources of calcium that a person can have to improve their bone health. As per the article, a 113 gms serving of feta cheese gives the body 140 mg of calcium. This means including feta cheese in different types of salads, and day-to-day meals is going to do wonders for the body, especially the bones.
* Helps Digestion
Feta cheese contains a lot of probiotics, and goat milk is very healthy for the gut. Eating feta cheese is going to stimulate better digestion and can prevent many stomach-related problems like constipation and bloating. As the milk of goats is also rich in magnesium, it can help in the absorption of many other minerals. Feta cheese can also help a person get rid of inflammation from the stomach.
* Antioxidants
As per a study published in Food Science & Nutrition in 2023, feta cheese, which is made from the milk of a goat, has a lot of antioxidant effects as well as antimicrobial effects on the body. Goat milk is known to have a lot of health benefits because of its immunomodulatory effects as well as anti-cancer properties. The anti-inflammatory effects of goat milk help maintain the well-being of the stomach, especially during summer when a person is more susceptible to experiencing digestive discomfort. It can also help with better allergy management.
* Vitamin A
In the journal Nutrients published in 2019 higher amounts of vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, and many other nutrients than cow milk. Being a byproduct of goat milk, feta cheese also has a considerable amount of vitamin A that poses a lot of health benefits. Vitamin A helps sustain normal vision, facilitates better growth and development in the body, and also helps maintain the well-being of the heart, lungs, and many other organs of the body overall. It also provides more strength to the immune system to fight against various diseases.
* Good For Heart
Being rich in a lot of antioxidants and minerals, goat milk is considered great for the health of the heart and reduces the levels of cholesterol in arteries and gallbladder. Also, it is such a rich source of different nutrients that are good for both the body and the bone. It can help improve the overall health of the body and heart health. It is important to remember that this is not a cure for bad cholesterol and just a natural way of tackling the problem of cholesterol. Before making it a part of the diet, one should consult the doctor first.
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* Good For Weight Management
As per the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 100 grams of feta cheese is 265 calories. This is not at all very high considering that there is comparatively a lot of healthier and full-fat cheese available out there that people consume without even giving a thought. Also, feta cheese has many other essential lipids, vitamins, and minerals like magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, and many others. This makes it perfect for someone who's trying to cut unhealthy food out of their diet and yet wants to eat something delicious and fulfilling as well.