6 Fridge Hacks That Can Offer Better Cooling This Summer

Irrespective of your fridge size, you can use it to meet your daily cooling needs. A few simple changes could help you optimise your refrigerator’s cooling. For instance, you can freeze fresh herbs in olive oil or water to preserve their flavour and aroma. Chop herbs and place them in ice cube trays, then fill each compartment with oil or water and freeze. Once frozen, transfer the herb cubes to a labelled freezer bag for easy use in cooking.

You can try using stackable freezer baskets or organizers to categorize and separate frozen foods, such as meats, vegetables, and prepared meals. Dedicate a specific area of your fridge to beverages, such as bottled water, juices, and soda cans and use stackable organizers or bins to maximize vertical space. Here are some other hacks that can help you maximise your fridge's potential.

Organize for Efficiency

Divide your fridge into zones based on temperature. Store items that require the coldest temperatures, like dairy and raw meat, on the bottom shelf where it's typically the coldest. Place fruits and vegetables in the crisper drawers, which usually have adjustable humidity settings.

Use clear storage containers or bins to group similar items together. Label containers to easily identify contents and expiration dates. Arrange items with the oldest expiration dates towards the front, making them more visible and accessible. This practice helps reduce food waste by ensuring you use up items before they expire.

Figure out temperature settings

Keep your fridge temperature between 35°F and 38°F (1.7°C to 3.3°C) to maintain food safety while maximizing energy efficiency. Use a refrigerator thermometer to monitor the temperature regularly and adjust settings as needed. Ensure proper airflow by avoiding overpacking shelves and leaving space between items for air circulation.

Avoid placing temperature-sensitive items like milk and eggs in the door, as this area experiences the most temperature fluctuations. Store condiments and non-perishable items in the door instead.

Utilize Space-Saving Solutions

Maximize vertical space by installing stackable shelves or organizers to create additional storage levels within your fridge. These adjustable shelves allow you to customize space according to your needs and accommodate taller items.

Utilize the undersides of shelves by attaching magnetic or adhesive storage bins to hold small items like condiment packets, herbs, or cheese slices. This prevents clutter on shelves and keeps frequently used items within easy reach.

Hang lightweight items such as bags of herbs or garlic bulbs from the fridge ceiling using adhesive hooks or clips. This creative solution frees up shelf space and keeps delicate produce accessible and visible.

Extend Shelf Life with Proper Storage

Store fresh herbs like cilantro, parsley, and basil upright in a glass of water, similar to a bouquet of flowers. Cover the leaves loosely with a plastic bag and change the water every few days to keep the herbs fresh for longer.

Wrap leafy greens like lettuce and spinach in paper towels before placing them in a resealable plastic bag. The paper towels absorb excess moisture, preventing wilting and extending the shelf life of leafy greens. Transfer leftovers from bulky containers to stackable, airtight storage containers. This reduces the amount of space they occupy in the fridge while keeping them fresh and organized.