How To Keep Moisture Out Of Your Fridge This Monsoon
Image Credit: Shutterstock | Keep Moisture Out Of Your Fridge

The pitter-patter of raindrops is a beautiful sound. Just not when it’s coming from inside your fridge. During the monsoon season, there are a lot of unexpected headaches to deal with thanks to the high humidity and variable temperature, one of the most damaging being condensation in your fridge. Excessive moisture can lead to all sorts of nasty consequences including mould, bacteria buildup and unpleasant odours.

Another problem is that with excess moisture, all your fresh food is at risk of spoiling. So to save on wastage and unnecessary grocery trips, we have a few ways you can keep your fridge running smoothly and keep your produce safe.

  1. Double check the ambient temperature and humidity: Often, fridges come with variable settings to adjust to weather changes. If your fridge has this feature, ensure that it’s set correctly according to your location.
  2. Check the door seals for gaps and cracks: If the fridge door isn’t 100% vacuum sealed, the cold air escapes and causes condensation. Also, build-up of dust could result in a loose seal, so wipe down all the door edges with a damp cloth to ensure they fit snugly.
  3. Avoid leaving the door open: This seems like an obvious one but is easily forgotten. So while you’re peering in wondering what to snack on, the temperature of the fridge is rapidly dropping and will disturb the atmosphere inside when it’s shut again.

If all these points are taken care of and you’re still facing issues, it’s time for phase 2.

Deep clean your fridge: Turn off the fridge, empty out all the shelves and try to dispose of any expired products and empty jars. Then mix up a solution of warm water with mild soap and a splash of disinfectant and sponge down the inside of your fridge. 

Take care of stains and mould: If there are any stubborn spots, dust a fine layer of baking soda over them to prevent them from spreading.

Restock with care: Ensure that every corner is completely dry before you start putting things back. Dry off all bottles and jars with a towel before replacing them and make sure that all fresh food is clean and dry. Put any open food into airtight containers. 

Try a desiccant dehumidifier: Easily available online, desiccant dehumidifiers like silica can help absorb excess moisture when placed in the fridge. Be sure to check that they are safe to be stored alongside food and keep them out of reach of small children at all times.

If you’re still facing issues, you may be dealing with more advanced mechanical issues and it’s time to call in a professional.