According to research, soup can aid in weight loss: Despite being a liquid, it may be just as satiating as consuming solid food, according to an older article in Physiology & Behavior. And more recent studies have discovered that those who consume soup weigh less and have lower waists than people who avoid it. Any soup diet ought to have the same advantages because soup is soup, right? Nope. Sorry. If your objective is to reduce weight, there are a few souping "mistakes" that might make your watery lunch less than ideal.
Here are 5 things to keep in mind-
Mistake 1- Choosing A Creamy Soup
Occasionally, creamy soups don't even have any cream in them! They may be naturally creamy since they are made from components like beans, cauliflower, and other foods that become creamy when cooked and combined. Additionally, the cream is occasionally added as a last flourish and as little as 1 tablespoon can be used to create a creamy mouthfeel. Not that choosing a creamy soup is always a bad idea. Simply remember to include the extra calories in your weight-loss plan.
Mistake 2- Only Eating Pureed Soup
Pureed soups should be a part of your diet, but they shouldn't be the only kind. First, a little cream is frequently added to pureed soups. But when you eat a pureed soup, you also need to chew very little, sometimes not at all. Eating a dish with some textural variety and chewing your food will both increase the satiety of your meal and keep you feeling fuller for longer. In other words, a pureed soup can have you looking for a snack not long after you finish your dinner.
Mistake 3- Soup Isn't A Breakfast Food
Dinner for breakfast should also be acceptable if eating breakfast for dinner is. Include soup in your breakfast diet. Having soup for breakfast also ensures a wholesome start to the day. It has been discovered that regular soup eaters have healthier diets than non-soup eaters. In that study, people who ate soup consumed less fat and more protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals than people who didn't eat soup.
Mistake 4- Having A Soup With Little Or No Protein
There are benefits to increasing the protein in your weight-loss diet. According to research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in June 2015, combining a higher-protein diet (about 90 to 150 grammes per day) with a low-calorie diet can help you lose more weight than doing so with only moderate levels of protein. Due to its high satisfaction value, protein may help you stay with your diet and even prevent feelings of deprivation, according to another study discussed in that paper. So go ahead and select a protein-rich soup like chicken noodles or go plant-based and prepare a hearty lentil stew.
Chicken soup/
Making soup the majority (or the most) of your meals might significantly increase your sodium intake, which only slightly affects your waistline, but hear us out. Because several of the ingredients in soup naturally contain salt, it is one of those foods that are often high in sodium. But keep in mind that canned soups are frequently high in salt if you eat that kind of food a lot. And as we all know, too much sodium is bad for you. According to the AHA, it can increase your risk of high blood pressure, kidney stones, and stomach cancer, and is bad for your heart. Additionally, eating too much sodium causes our bodies to retain water, which can result in bloating, puffiness, and, yes, even weight gain.