Winter brings us a plethora of citrus fruits. Among them, pomelo remains underrated. Pomelo is a sizable Asian citrus fruit that is related to grapefruit. It features a thick, pale rind, green or yellow flesh, and a teardrop-shaped form. It can get as big as a melon or even more. Pomelo has a grapefruit-like flavour, but it is sweeter and lacks the tanginess or bitterness that grapefruit has. This fruit has the potential to grow pretty large, even reaching cantaloupe proportions on occasion. The numerous vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants make it a beneficial addition to your diet. Pomelo fruit is good for health, and its taste makes it a perfect addition to the meal. 

Rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C, abundant in pomelo, helps keep cells healthy and protected. Additionally, it is crucial to preserve strong bones, skin, and blood vessels. For persons aged 19 to 64, one serving of pomelo (or one fruit) can supply the recommended daily intake of 40 milligrams of vitamin C.

A fully-grown pomelo, Image Source: Pexels

High in antioxidants

Inflammation can be brought on by trauma, stress, and an imbalanced diet. If left uncontrolled and unattended, it can result in various other health conditions, such as cancer, acne, digestive disorders, and congestion. Antioxidants-rich, well-balanced diets can aid in the prevention of many diseases. Naringenin and naringin, two effective antioxidant sources found in pomelo, are also excellent sources of the antioxidant lycopene. Due to its high antioxidant content, pomelos are a fruit that reduces inflammation. Because they defend against free radicals, which damage cells and induce oxidative stress in the body, antioxidants are a crucial component of every diet.

Rich in fibre content

Apart from reducing the risk of cardiac disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and some types of cancer, fibre is essential for digestive health. The pomelo fruit's skin is a significant source of fibre, providing 25 grams per day for women and 15 grams per day for males (30 g). Fibre prevents constipation, which helps move stool through the system by bulking it up. Pomelo fruit fibre, for example, has also been linked to health benefits like increased bone density, maintaining a healthy weight, and a lower chance of developing several chronic diseases.

Inner parts of ripe pomelo, Image Source: Pexels

Low in calories, high in protein

230 calories are found in one peeled pomelo, a relatively small amount for such a significant amount of food (approximately 610 grams). Consuming low-calorie foods might keep you satisfied while using up fewer calories. Pomelo also has fibre and protein, both of which might help you feel fuller for longer. Foods rich in protein and fibre both aid in promoting feelings of fullness. By selecting these foods, you could find it simpler to cut back on your caloric consumption and lose weight.

Promotes heart health

Pomelos may improve heart health by lowering triglyceride and cholesterol levels, two blood lipids associated with heart disease. Supplementing with concentrated pomelo extract decreased triglyceride levels by up to 21%, total cholesterol by up to 6%, and LDL (bad) cholesterol by up to 41%, found in a 21-day trial. According to a different study, pomelo may lower blood fat levels by limiting the body's ability to properly absorb dietary cholesterol. 

A girl with two halves of pomelo, Image Source: Pexels

However, further human studies are required to prove a link between pomelo fruit and heart health. If you're on statin medications to lower your cholesterol, you should stay away from pomelo. Pomelos, like grapefruits, contain furanocoumarins, which can alter how statins are metabolised.

How to consume pomelo

Drink made with pomelo, Image Source: Pexels

Cut a small slice, about two inches long, off the fruit's pointy end to begin peeling the pomelo. Next, make a few notches in the rind around the fruit's periphery. To remove the skin, use those notches as finger grips. After that, split the parts as you would a grapefruit or an orange. Eat it as is like a snack, or substitute it for other citrus fruits in recipes. It can be mixed into smoothies, added to salads, breakfast items like waffles or oatmeal, or desserts.