A nice morning cup of coffee can influence how you feel the rest of the day. However, if the coffee shops are closed, you might not be able to rely on a barista to provide your daily cup. If so, you might be interested in making a quality cup of coffee yourself. Additionally, it can enable you to save some money, depending on how much coffee you use each day. You can make your own ideal cup of coffee every morning at home if you follow some basic rules.

Buy Fresh Beans 

Without a doubt, coffee tastes finest when consumed soon after it is roasted. The most certain way to get the freshest beans is to buy from a local roaster, however, you can also roast your own coffee. Be cautious when purchasing coffee in quantity from supermarket display containers. The biggest taste destroyers for roasted beans are oxygen and bright light, so unless the shop is vigilant about selling fresh coffee, the storage tubes get coated with coffee oils, which deteriorate. A better choice is frequently coffee beans that are sold in strong, vacuum-sealed bags and packaged by roasters that care about quality. 

Coffee Beans Must Remain Fresh 

Opened coffee beans should always be kept in an airtight container. Good options include ceramic storage crocks or glass canning jars with rubber gasket sealing. Never cool off (roasted beans are porous and readily take up moisture and food odours). Never freeze coffee, especially dark roasts, flavour experts strongly advise. Ideally, purchase fresh beans in quantities sufficient for five to seven days at a time and store them at room temperature. 

Make Your Own 

Almost immediately after being ground, coffee begins to lose quality. Beans that are freshly ground soon before brewing produce the best-tasting drinks. Coffee purists prefer to grind their coffee in pricey grinders, but inexpensive electric whirly blade grinders may get the job done, especially if the grinder is rocked while grinding to obtain a fine, uniform particle size.  

Water Quality Matters 

Nothing can destroy a pot of coffee more quickly than chlorinated or flavourless tap water. Serious coffee drinkers use bottled spring water or tap filters with activated charcoal or carbon. The minerals in good water are necessary; softened or distilled water does not brew good coffee. 

Avoid Cheap Filters 

The experts claim that cheap paper coffee filters provide poor coffee. Look for paper filters that are dioxin-free or oxygen-bleached. As an alternative, you might want to spend money on a durable gold-plated filter. These are said to offer the most flavour, but if the coffee is ground too finely, they could allow sediment to pass through. 

Coffee Shouldn't Be compromised 

Two level tablespoons per 6-ounce cup of coffee or approximately two and a half tablespoons per 8-ounce cup is the recommended measurement for making strong coffee. Bitter brews are often the result of techniques like extracting more cups per pound while using less coffee and hotter water. 

Water Temperature 

Too hot of a water temperature will extract bitter rather than palatable coffee components. Approximately 45 seconds after a full boil, or 200°F, is the ideal water temperature for brewing. (Most effective coffee makers automatically control this.) Don't count on coffee to retain its greatest flavours for very long after brewing. Even the greatest coffee will become bitter and foul-tasting when heated again, boiled, or kept on a warming platform for an extended period of time. 

Clean Up Your Equipment 

To prevent an oily buildup, clean storage containers and grinders every few weeks. Run a strong vinegar solution or specialised coffee-equipment cleaning through your coffee machine at least once a month to remove any mineral deposits. Before reusing, carefully rinse.