Fruits are undoubtedly the most natural and nutritious food available on the planet as they contain ample vitamins and nutrients. They are high in fructose, sucrose, and glucose which the body uses for generating energy and fuels the trillions of cells to carry so many important functions. Packed with minerals and enzymes, fruits help in building a stronger immune system and help the body stay hydrated. They have ample health benefits and our discussion about it will never end.  

We all eat fruits but do we follow the right way? Yes, there is a right and a wrong way of eating fruits. Believe me, most of us follow the wrong way. Let us discuss some of the blunders that we make while eating fruits and why we should avoid them.  

Stop eating fruits right after a meal 

Very few people know that whenever we consume fruits right after a meal, they reach the stomach and start decomposing with the food already there in the stomach. This forces the stomach to produce more acids to break them down. When fruits decompose quickly, their essential properties get destroyed.  As per known medical studies, the best time to eat fruits is either on an empty stomach or at least 45 minutes to an hour before your meal. This helps in the smooth proper digestion

Stop cutting and consuming fruits after hours 

We often see people cutting fruits and consuming them after many hours. This is a very bad habit and extremely unhealthy for the body. This practice reduces the nutritive value of the fruit. We might have noticed that cutting fruits and keeping them for a long time makes them brown. Not only the taste but the texture is also affected.  It is always better to avoid this habit.

Stop making fruit juices 

Fruit juices seem healthy but they are not. The right way to eat fruits is to eat them whole. Studies suggest that juicing a fruit takes away the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and dietary fibers present. Moreover, fruit juices also spike blood sugar levels. But when we grab a bite of whole fruit, our saliva contains digestive enzymes that help in breaking down the natural sugars and help the body. Thus, it is always advisable to eat whole fruits for many reasons.  

Stop eating fruits after sunset 

 This might sound a bit superstitious but it is actually science. When the sun sets, the body moves into rest mode. Consuming fruits at night can spike blood sugar levels as well as energy levels which can disturb sleep at night. Let us tell you that everybody is different and if eating fruits after sunset works for you, you should definitely go for it. But for those feeling indigestion or any other issue, this is a sign to avoid this practice. 

Stop mixing fruits together 

We thought eating fruits together would help us intake so many vitamins and nutrients in one go but this is a myth. The truth is that mixing fruits together can confuse the body and actually discourages the proper absorption of nutrients. One should always eat one fruit at a time to boost digestion and avoid blood sugar level spikes in the body. 

Try making these little changes while eating fruits and believe me, you will not regret it. Let us know what worked for you.