Summertime is a favourite time to have parathas for breakfast because of their energy-boosting qualities, adaptability, and simplicity of preparation. Parathas, which are made with whole wheat flour, water, and occasionally oil or ghee, are a wonderful source of fibre and carbohydrates that help you feel full for the day. Additionally, they can have different contents, such as potatoes, paneer, or veggies, which add nutritional value.

Kneading the dough, rolling it into circles, stuffing it, sealing it, and frying it on a griddle with a little oil or ghee till golden brown are the steps in the procedure. A hearty and filling breakfast alternative, parathas are perfect for hectic summer mornings.

Here are some healthy paratha ideas for your breakfast:

1. Spinach Paratha:

The earthiness of the spinach lends a nice balance of flavours to this spinach paratha. It is a healthy breakfast choice since it is high in fibre, vitamins, and iron, all of which are vital for general well-being. To make the dough, finely chop the spinach and combine it with the whole wheat flour, spices, and water. Cut the dough into rounds, sear them in a little oil or ghee on a griddle until they are golden brown, and then serve them hot with chutney or yoghurt.

Video credit: YouTube/ NishiMadhulika

2. Multigrain Broccoli Paratha:

The nuttiness of the multigrain flour accentuates the freshness of the broccoli, making the multigrain broccoli paratha a delicious blend of flavours. It is a wholesome and satisfying alternative for breakfast since it offers a good balance of fibre, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. To make, combine cooked broccoli with spices, multigrain flour, and knead dough. Roll out the dough, cook in a little oil on a griddle, and serve hot with chutney or yoghurt for a hearty breakfast.

3. Onion Paratha:

The savoury flavours of onion paratha are well balanced, with a touch of sweetness from the caramelised onions. Its taste, ease of preparation, and nutritional advantages make it a popular choice for breakfast. To make, combine whole wheat flour, spices, and finely chopped onions; knead into a soft dough. Roll out the dough and fry it in a little oil or ghee on a griddle until it is crispy and brown. A fulfilling breakfast option, onion parathas are flavorful, packed with carbohydrates and fibre, and have a substantial filling quality.

4. Methi Paratha:

Methi paratha has a distinct flavour enhanced by the subtle bitterness of fenugreek leaves, which is counterbalanced by coriander and cumin. It's a well-liked breakfast option because of its nutritional makeup. To make the dough, finely cut the fresh fenugreek leaves and combine them with the whole wheat flour, spices, and water. Roll out the dough to make flatbreads, then cook them in a little oil or ghee on a hot griddle until they are golden brown.

5. Carrot Paratha:

Grated carrots and whole wheat flour combine to create a deliciously sweet and earthy combination in carrot paratha. It's a healthy breakfast option that's high in antioxidants, fibre, and vitamins. Grated carrots should be combined with whole wheat flour and spices and kneaded into a dough for preparation. Cut into rings, sear in a little oil on a griddle until golden, then serve hot. A delicious and filling way to add vegetables to your morning meal.

6. Beetroot Paratha:

The flavour of beetroot paratha is distinct, with hints of sweetness and earthiness. Breakfast gets a boost of colour and nourishment from it. Grated beets should be combined with whole wheat flour and spices and kneaded into a dough for preparation. Roll out the dough and fry it in a little oil or ghee on a griddle until it's golden brown on both sides. Because of its cooling qualities in the summer, beetroot paratha is a wholesome and savoury breakfast alternative. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

7. Kale and Cheese Paratha:

The mix of creamy cheese and earthy kale flavour in the kale and cheese paratha makes for a delicious and filling breakfast choice. To make it, finely chop the kale and combine it with whole wheat flour, seasonings, and grated cheese. Form into a dough, shape out into circles, and cook until golden and crispy on a griddle with a little oil or ghee. This nutritious and tasty paratha is full of fibre, minerals, and protein. It's a great option for breakfast.