When we think Japanese food the most common dish that rings a bell is the sushi, but if you are keen to explore the world of Japanese desserts it’s huge. Most of these are work od delicate craftmanship and has been there since ages. They are soft and delicate and a dig into a slice of them will surley leave you enchanted 

Japanese Cheesecake 

Inspired by a local käsekuchen cheesecake, the Japanese version was first created by Japanese chef Tomotaro Kuzuno. He mixed the German-style cheesecake and the American-style to create this version. This super light, and fluffy mousse-like There are two main types of Japanese cheesecake. The Japanese “souffle” cheesecake which is baked and differs from the traditional New York-style baked cheesecake. This just sees mixing of cream cheese, butter, sugar, and eggs altogether.

Shio daifuku

This traditional Japanese dessert which sees chewy mochi shells  that are filled with creamy or coarse anko red bean paste is slightly sweet and super light. The red bean paste here is lightly salted, which gives a nice sweet and savory flavor. Mostly round in shape this one is delicious.


Purin, the Japanese crème caramel is rich, creamy and is easy to make. So special oriental ingredients nor equipment required. It is called purin not pudding as it’s the way you pronounce an ‘r’ in Japanese sounds a bit like a ‘d’. this one is everyone’s favourite. 

Habutae mochi

This smooth texture Japanese dessert that is aka neri-mochi (kneaded mochi), originates from Fukui Prefecture. These glutinous rice cakes Thin, smooth and white and have a sweet filling. The desert gets its name from the fine quality Japanese silk. This one sees a history that is more than 100 years as it originated with this textile industry. Lightly sweetened , this one goes best with matcha or green tea.


This Japanese wagashi are bite-sized treats that are in variety of motifs, colors, and flavors. The shapes and size of this dessert reflects the deep-rooted tradition of Japanese culture. The wagashi reflect some great artistry level. These delightful tea treats are eaten across Japan may surprise you with their ingredients, production method, it would mesmerized by how intricate the art of Wagashi making can be. Being highly perishable, they should be consumed by the next day.

Goma dango

These sesame seed balls or goma dango are also known as dango. These glutinous rice flour balls that are small round in shape and are filled with sweet red beans (anko), sees an crispy outer cover as it is deep-fried. You need to be careful as the sesame seeds don’t burn. Mostly consumed in August this sweet and salty goma dango is a summer delight. In China they are known as jian dui,

Kusa mochi

This Japanese dessert (Kusamochi, Yomogi mochi)  a sweet treat which is made with glutinous rice flour infused with mugwort paste (Mugwort is a plant). Locals made it using mochi and yomogi . Originally  this dessrt was used making “Ogata (mother and child herbs) This one sees a characteristics deep green color, sees a delicate flavor, and having a typical sticky texture. Apart from eating it plain, this one is often mixed with other ingredients and wrapped around various fillings. This one usually enjoyed in springtime and is also used as a medical diet.