It's essentially a short-cut pastry tart filled with a custard composed of milk, flour, and eggs. It is one of the world's oldest tart recipes, and it is widely liked by people all over the world. This milk tart is inspired by a cheesecake-like Dutch tart called "dutch mattentaart."   

This tart has a special place in many people's hearts since it tastes as comfortable and fuzzy as it looks. People used to serve these tarts at get-togethers with friends and family, as well as at a variety of celebrations. Housewives used to prepare these tarts at home because it was the only way for them to pass the time at home in the old days. We've all heard how in classic novels, the characters are continually eating milk tarts and pies. 

No one, from children to adults, is immune to the charm of this yummy tart. It's also one of the easiest to make. In some cultures, it's also known as ‘comfort pie’. It's a delectable creamy tart that virtually melts in the mouth. 

The outside texture is crunchy and crackly, while the inside is as soft as velvet, which adds to the overall delight of eating a tart. This brown and white dessert has stood the test of time, and the original recipe has not changed.  

Image source-pexels

 It's made up of a circular tart filled with milk custard and topped with cinnamon for an additional special flavour. Nowadays, people are concerned with experimenting with their meals or dishes, especially the most traditional ones.  

Milk tart has seen similar changes from time to time. Milk tart pancakes, milk tart swiss roll, milk tart macarons, peanut milk tart, cardamom milk tart, and many others are just a few examples.  People continue to return to the original recipe despite all of the experiments, alterations and tests because of its inviting and wonderful taste. 

This tart was traditionally served at gatherings, special occasions, and parties, but I don't believe you need a particular or a special occasion to enjoy this delicious tart, so what are you waiting for? Order a milk tart (or "Melktert") and a cup of iced coffee right now, because we believe a dessert as classic as this is desperately required in all of our lives right now. And a little sugar, cream, custard, and tarts aren't going to hurt anyone. 


Cafes and Bakeries serving Milk Tart and its variations in Delhi-NCR

Theobroma- Multiple outlets 

L'Opera - Multiple outlets 

Colocal chocolates- Chattarpur and Khan Market.