Do scorching summers irritate you? Are you looking for a cool drink to quench your thirst? Then a wonderful lassi recipe awaits you! A wonderful and the finest summertime special drink that can be created at home quickly and easily is Lassi, which is a fantastic heat detoxifier. Numerous sweet lassi recipes exist, but Mango Lassi always tops the chart. 

This refreshing Mango Lassi with Buttermilk is engulfed with flavours and concludes into an enchanting beverage for Summertime special. The Mango Dry Fruit Lassi is prepared with buttermilk and honey instead of curd and refined sugar respectively. A ripe mango smoothie with a buttermilk base gives the Mango Lassi its balanced thickness and semi-thick pouring quality. The recipe also features green cardamom which gives the lassi a lovely scent and saffron, commonly referred to as Kesar, for the lassi's distinctive flavour and to give it a naturally golden tint. Finally, the glass is topped with a variety of rich dry fruits which adds crunch and texture. A tall glass full of this deliciousness is a perfect summer treat  with goodness of health. Above all, the drink is prepared with the most beloved fruit, Mangoes, which are extremely abundant and diverse in India, which is truly astounding. Whether they are unripe or ripe, everyone loves to eat mangoes! 

Originated in Punjab, the drink  goes perfectly with the typically rich and spicy cuisine of Pakistan and India. Lassi is a type of "ancient smoothie" and the original yoghurt smoothie ever created. Around 1000 BC, the idea first appeared, and it either started with excellent fruits or pure spices. It is well renowned for having restorative powers according to Ayurveda. The sweet lassi helps one with digestion, immune boosting, and blood pressure decreasing. Calcium and vitamin B12 are also abundant in it.

Prep time : 10 minutes 

Servings : 2 Glasses 


  • 2-3 cups Frozen Mango
  • 1 cup Buttermilk
  • ½ cup Water 
  • 3 tbsp Honey
  • a pinch of ground Nutmeg
  • 1 tsp Cardamom powder
  • 1 tsp Almonds, crushed
  • 1 tsp Raisins
  • 1 tsp Cashews, crushed
  • 1 tsp Walnuts, crushed
  • 1 tsp Pistachios, crushed
  • ¼ tsp Saffron 
  • 1 tbsp Milk, full fat
  • Ice cubes


  • In a small bowl, soak saffron in 1 tbsp full fat milk. Keep aside.
  • Blend buttermilk, honey, nutmeg, buttermilk,  and frozen mango in a blender. Blend well to form a smooth and thick lassi.
  • Now, add saffron steeped milk and blend again.
  • Add water, if needed, to adjust consistency. The lassi should not be flowy but rich and creamy.
  • Transfer the fresh lassi in a tall glass and add ice cubes.
  • Garnish with crushed dry fruits and Enjoy!

Serve chilled Mango Dry Fruit Lassi right away after making it or refrigerate it. The prepared lassi can also be kept for up to 2 days in an airtight container. 

*Tip: You can also add dry fruits and nuts while  blending, but soak them in some water beforehand as it helps in  making  the creamiest lassi.