Do you think you can only boost immunity pills or supplements? Not really! You can also build your immunity with a simple kitchen ingredient. And today, we’re talking about cumin, the tiny semi-flat oval-shaped seeds with tremendous health benefits. So why not add cumin to a cup of tea? It not only builds your immunity, but it also soothes your digestive tract, upset stomach and various diseases. So, try this cumin tea recipe and build your immunity by deleting all the supplements from your life. 

Health benefits of cumin tea

  1. Contains Antioxidants: Cumin seeds contain antioxidants substances; the tiny oval seeds radicalize healthy cells in the body. Those antioxidants help you to feel healthier, energetic, and fresh. 
  2. Treats Diarrhea: It is an old-school medicine. Do you know cumin seeds treat diarrhoea? Yes, and for centuries it has been used as dadi-nani ke nuske. 
  3. Aids Weight Loss: Cumin seeds help you lose weight. It is also beneficial in post-pregnancy recovery for mothers, allowing them to get in shape more healthily. 
  4. Stress Buster: Cumin tea plays a role in helping the body handle stress. A study has proven that cumin tea can extract the signs of stress. In addition, it has effective antioxidants, vitamin C, which helps to boost mood swings directly.

How To Make Cumin Tea?


  • 2 cups of water 
  • 2 tablespoons of cumin seeds (jeera)
  • Sugar/honey 
  • Pinch of white salt 
  • 1 Lemon 


  1. Boil the water. Add cumin seeds (cumin powder) and sugar 
  2. Simmer for 5-6 minutes 
  3. Strain the boiled water through a strainer 
  4. Squeeze lemon and add salt to the cup. 
  5. And serve it hot. You can store the tea for 3-4 hours in a cattle pot.

Do you know that cumin tea is more effective in winters or cold places? You can add cumin seeds to ginger, jaggery, fennel, and herbal tea for more health benefits. So don’t panic in this pandemic; stay healthy, boost your immunity and fight against coronavirus!