If you are the main cook in your household, the freezer might be a lifesaver. It's one of life's greatest culinary commodities, whether it saves you time travelling to the shop to pick up ingredients or saves you from having to do anything other than defrost and serve. Almost everything can be frozen. Frozen meals are usually safe indefinitely, although, after a while, they won't taste as nice when thawed and cooked. The best temperature for freezing food, whether raw or cooked, is 0 F. (or -18 C). Although frozen food lasts longer than raw food. However, storage is just as crucial as temperature.

Make sure the food is placed in freezer bags and that any surplus air is removed before sealing the bag. Despite your best efforts, food that has been frozen at the proper time and using the proper techniques may not be as flavorful after a certain amount of time. While the food will be safe to eat, the flavour quality will be impaired, and there will be instances when the food will be fully rotten, making it unsafe to eat. Here are some warning signs to look for when you have frozen food to determine if it has gone bad or not.

1. Dull veggies

If you keep frozen broccoli for too long, it will lose its beautiful green colour. Similarly, if cooked goods aren't as bright as they once were, it's frequently a sign that they're drying out owing to faulty packaging or being stored for too long.

2. The smell

Aside from minimising freezer burn and moisture loss, proper storage in an airtight bag or container also prevents odours from passing from one type of food to another. However, if you defrost something and it smells stale, it's usually not worth cooking.

3. Change in colour of meat

If your red steak has become greyish brown, or your pink pork has turned dark brown or grey, beware – such colour changes indicate that they've come into contact with air, which means they could be dry and leathery at the very least. While they are theoretically safe to consume, they will not taste good.

4. The texture

If nothing appears to be wrong but you still have concerns, examine the texture of the food. Toss aside food that readily caves in on itself or leftover spaghetti that has melded together.

5. Ice crystals

This signifies that the water molecules in your meal have found their way outside of the freezer, towards the colder areas. Although it's not unhealthy for you, it's not particularly appetising either. A significant amount of moisture is lost from the food, which affects the flavour and texture.