Winters are here in full force and as I write this, sitting right opposite a heater, I can’t help but wish for a cup of piping hot soup. Not a cup of tea or coffee but comforting bowl of soup. Because I think only a soup has the power to warm our souls and provide wholesome nutrition at the same time. And one of my most favourite of all is the tantalising tomato soup. Easy to make, comes with just the right amount of tanginess, and is loaded with an array of nutritional qualities, what’s not to like about tomato soup? When the chilled weather makes one susceptible to diseases like cold and flu, throat infections, etc., soups tend to be one of the best ways to battle all of it. A bowl of tomato soup is even often recommended by health experts and nutritionists to fight seasonal infections. But what I like most about tomato soup is its balance of flavours- subtle sweet with a tang of tomatoes and oodles of spices lends a distinct taste to the dish. And oh how I love the crunchy croutons! 

While you can easily make this wholesome treat at home, there is always a thought of making it as good as the one you've had at your favourite restaurant. If you think the same, we’ve got you certain tips and tricks to ace the game.

1. Tomatoes 

For a perfect tomato soup, you must have the perfect tomatoes first. Always look for fresh and ripe tomatoes for the soup. Under ripe tomatoes can result in a sour soup. Make sure to blanch the tomatoes. One trick that a lot of home chefs use is to roast the tomato till lightly brown, it also lends a unique smoky flavour to the soup.  

2. Consistency 

Consistency of a soup depends on how you like it. For instance, I love my tomato soup a little thick and creamy but some like it light and runny. The thick and creamy soup at restaurants mostly comes with starch. You simply need to whisk flour or corn starch in water before adding it directly to the hot soup in order to thicken the soup and avoid lumps. Adding yogurt or fresh cream also gives it a great creamy texture and could be a healthier alternative. 

3. Temperature 

The soup is obviously enjoyed hot in the cold winter weather. Make sure to stir well and simmer the soup on a low flame for 3 to 4 minutes, until it thickens. Serve immediately. 

Here's an easy recipe for tomato soup. Try it at home and share your experience with us.