Summers aren’t here yet but there’s no right time for a glass of lassi for Punjabis. In my household, lassi is commonly drunk during the day time, generally with or after the lunch meal. The winter staples makki ki roti and sarson ka saag seem incomplete without a glass of lassi on the side. For those untouched by the phenomenon of lassi, it is traditional Indian summer drink made from yoghurt and has a thick and frothy texture. Now, as per your choice, lassi can be sweet, salty or a masala variety. Seems like there is a lassi for all taste buds in here. 

Not only is it a refreshing and cooling drink in summers, it is also quite filling and nutritious. Sometimes, lassi is often referred to as buttermilk which is again, another name for chhachh. Did you know that lassi originated on the Indian land? Unlike some other famous Indian foods which have foreign roots, lassi took birth on our very own soil. There has been evidence that yoghurt was known and consumed way back during the Mesopotamian civilization around 5000 B.C.  The origins of this Indian smoothie date back to somewhere around 1000 B.C. when the trade route was established between Punjab and Multan, which are supposedly the janmbhoomi of the lassi. 

Yoghurt and honey combinations were considered to be holy foods, offered to gods and long after that too, when the facility of refrigeration wasn’t available in Punjab, the farmers would drink this whisked curd drink from a clay pot that would keep it cool. 

If you’re feeling like lassi today, here are some tips and tricks to make a creamy one at home. 

1.  Yoghurt Is The Deal Maker Or Breaker 

Since it is a yoghurt-based drink, you can’t get away with any kind of curd. Homemade freshly-churned cold curd is the best for making a smooth lassi. If you try to make do with a sour curd, we don’t think the results would be impressive. Also, try to use the curd that is made from whole milk rather than fat-free variety. Plain curd should be preferred over any flavoured versions. 

2.   Whisking The Right Way 

Now, when you’ve got your ideal kind of yoghurt, the next step is whisking it properly. A blender might make your job easier but definitely not tastier. Since it is an ancient drink, the best way to blend is to do it traditionally. Use a wooden madaani or wire-based whisker to churn the yoghurt and attain a creamy and smooth texture. 

3.  Chilled Water Down You Go 

The yoghurt is ready, all you have to do is add water. Now make sure you keep the consistency in your head right. Adding too much water will make it extremely thin. The consistency should be like a thin batter of pancakes. Add water slowly so that you can assess how much more is needed to attain a creamy state.