We have always wondered if an induction cooktop is better than the gas stove we have been using for years. Both the gas stove and induction stove are primarily formulated with the sole purpose of cooking but what varies is the procedure. But what to choose? The answer should be induction cooktop and this is because of many reasons. Let us know about 5 reasons that will surely convince you to switch to an induction cooktop. 

Faster Cooking 

Induction stoves have a plus point when it comes to speed. And this is because of its operational mechanism. They work through electromagnetic energy, unlike traditional gas cooktops. The electromagnetic activity of the cooktop tends to trigger electromagnetic action in your pan on which your pan would heat up itself.  


More Energy Efficiency 

If you think the high electricity bills because of using an induction stove can burn a hole in your pocket, you are wrong. While the truth is, induction stoves will actually help in reducing the bill because of their high energy efficiency. It is sustainable and this is what we are looking for! 

Safe Alternative 

Gas leaks always scare us but induction stoves have no such problem. An induction stove is always way safer as compared to traditional cooktops, especially gas cooktops. With gas cooktops, there is always the risk of open flames as if left unattended, they can lead to a massive accident. The induction stove’s surface cools down quickly and there is less probability of accidents. 


Heat Control 

It is just impossible to control heat on a gas stove while cooking they don’t offer so many choices but induction stoves give you several options when it comes to controlling the heat. It has a temperature control option as well and allows you to cook food the way you wish. The new-age gas stoves may provide some heat control options but induction stoves are a notch higher.  

Easy Cleaning 

It is easier to clean induction cooktops as compared to gas stoves. The induction cooktops don’t heat the cooktop surface and thus, it becomes easier to clean the spills and boilovers while this is not the case with gas stoves. 


These were the reasons that prove that induction cooktops are better than gas stoves. From easy cleaning to temperature control, there are many factors that one should look to before spending money. Keep these points in mind and make a wiser decision. Let us know if this article helped you!!