When it comes to a filling and delicious breakfast, the first thing to pop into our mind is bread. Be it simple bread with eggs and fruits or French toast, bread is our go-to food for a wholesome meal. This leads to us buying a whole packet of bread, just in case we get tempted for another slice. However, this leads to storing food in the refrigerator. So, to empty up that rack in your fridge, try these five delicious dishes with leftover bread.

1. Bread Halwa

Amp up the must-have Indian dessert with leftover bread. Bread halwa is a delectable way to use that one packet of bread that has been sitting at the back of your fridge for a few days now. Just grind the bread into a fine powder and make a halwa with ghee, sugar and some nuts.

2. Bread Pudding

The OG bread delicacy, bread pudding is a great way to use stale bread. The sweet dish can be made quickly and easily and can be relished as a post-dinner dessert as well.

3. Croutons

Want to savour a comforting soup but don’t have croutons to top it with? Grab the packet of stale bread and use it up to make croutons to spruce up your soup. Cut them into cubes and fry/bake them until they are golden and crispy and add them to your soups to jazz it up.

4. Panzanella

Have you ever heard about a bread salad? If not, here is it. A delicious bread salad that hails from Italy, Panzanella is healthy, filling and delicious. Made with golden crispy bread, Italian vinaigrette, tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers, Panzanella is perfect to have for lunch or dinner or even as a healthy, midday snack.

5. Pappa Al Pomodoro

Quite popular in Tuscany, Italy, Pappa Al Pomodoro is a bread soup. The soup is made with some Italian herbs and veggies along with crusty bread to soak up the soup. If you have a packet of crusty and stale bread sitting in the fridge, this soup is amazing to use up in a jiffy.