While they may not be the most well-known fresh food available, greens are among the most nutrient-dense. They enable us to ingest large quantities of important vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients. We've all grown up eating greens like methi, sarson, kadam, and bathua. A healthy diet should include green leafy vegetables, or GLV as they are commonly referred to. They are packed with nutrients and greatly improve our health. Mothers and nutritionists are adamant about how important they are. Let's examine some modern tastes that have been there for ages but that you may not have tried yet. 

Basale Soppu 

Some frequent names for this less well-known green are climbing spinach, vine spinach, and malabar spinach. These heart-shaped leaves, which are grown in kitchen gardens in the Malabar region, have a moderate flavour, are succulent, and have a mucilaginous texture. These foods are nutrient-dense and low in calories. They are high in vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, calcium, soluble fibre, and antioxidants. Additionally, they deliver more proteins per calorie. They are used in a variety of dishes from Orissa and Andhra Pradesh to Bengal and Karnataka. 


Verdolaga, pigweed, small hogweed, and red root are other names for purslane. The flowers of this plant are a bright yellow colour, and it has red stems and green foliage. Despite being regarded as a weed, its nutritional benefits has made it more popular. Alpha-linolenic acid, one of the most sought-after omega-3 fats, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which is mostly found in fish, are both present. The stems' crimson pigments also give the leaves a faint yellow hue and serve as strong antioxidants. You can consume purslane fresh or cooked like a vegetable. 


Assamese fiddle fern, also known as dhekia xak, is a delicacy that is only available during the monsoon season. These coiled ferns are grown in the wild along riverbanks and eaten dry or in curries. They have a great acidic flavour and a "meaty" texture. They are a good source of potassium, low in sodium, and a good supply of Omega-3 and Omega-6 PUFA, as well as iron. They also give our diet fibre. 

Colocasia Leaves 

In most of the country, colocassia leaves or arbi leaves are particularly well-liked. It is used for a variety of dishes including Patra in Gujarat, Eromba, a Meitei side dish from Manipur, Partode in Karnataka, and Kesa or Kesuvina Palya, which is served with Akki roti in the Andhra area. It is a strong source of iron and folate in addition to being rich in vitamins A and C. It increases the quantity of fibre in your meals because it is a leaf. 


The tropical moringa tree is a tough tree. All of the plant's edible parts, including the seedpods, flowers, and leaves, are drumsticks. Given that it is a successful treatment for malnutrition, it is frequently referred to as the "Miracle tree." Moringa leaves are frequently referred to as superfoods, and with good reason. The leaves are a rich source of minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals, which are believed to have potent anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, and anti-microbial qualities. According to a study in the journal Food Science and Human Wellness, moringa has 25 times more iron than spinach and 25 times more vitamin C than oranges and 10 times more vitamin A than carrots. It also has 17 times more calcium than milk and 9 times more protein than yoghurt. You can make tea out of moringa leaves, add them to dals and curries, or consume them as a cooked vegetable. 

Stinging Nettle 

Stinging nettle, also known as bichhu booti, is a plant that grows wild throughout the Himalayan region. It is nutrient-rich and said to provide a number of health benefits. Because it is so rich in carotenoids, vitamin A, and fibre, it adds very little calories to your meal while providing tons of health benefits. Ingredients that may reduce inflammation and boost urine production are said to be present. In Uttrakhand, a typical meal called kandalee ka saag is prepared using Bichhu Booti. 


During the monsoon, the plant known as bharangi is frequently encountered on the Western Ghats. It is a crucial plant for those who practise traditional medicine all around the world. The phenolic acids and flavonoids in the leaves are abundant. In Ayurveda, they are utilised to increase appetite. These particular wild plants are consumed as food. Foodies are once again discovering these natural treasures since they are nourishing and simple to grow.