Eating a balanced diet with the right amount of nutrients and protein can promote hair growth. But do you know the hair length depends on several other things? For example, your diet regime, lifestyle, and mental stability. Tweaking diet and lifestyle can improve the condition of the hair and scalp too. However, regular oiling or deep conditioning of hair masks may enhance the texture of your hair, but your food intake makes a huge difference. An excellent balanced diet with the provided essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients will make your hair healthy and strong. 

Here are some superfoods that you should incorporate into your diet!

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  • Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fats that prevent hair loss and damage. Omega 3 nourishes the hair follicle, reduces inflammation, ensures hair growth, and maintains a healthy hair texture from scalp to root. 
  • What to eat? Fish or fish oil is the highest source of omega 3. The other vegetarian sources are almonds, avocados, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and flax seeds. These should be added to the food as evening snacks for replenishing and strengthening hair growth. 

Biotin Vitamin B7

  • Biotin is responsible for the volume and growth of hair. This substance is also known as Vitamin B7 and vitamin H, which stimulates keratin production in the hair.
  • What to eat? Whole grains are rich in biotin, egg yolks, cranberries, raspberries and mushrooms. They are good soluble sources to grow your hair. 


  • Consume a protein diet if you’re facing hair loss, dryness, and brittle hair. Proteins are the building agent of your hair, and you must add them to your diet for quicker and healthier hair. 
  • What to eat? Do you know eggs are the richest source of protein? Apart from eggs, you can consume chicken, turkey, beans, dairy products such as milk and yoghurt.

Vitamin C  

  • Do you know you require vitamin C for iron absorption? According to a study, one citrus item per day is essential to get the daily dose of vitamin C. 
  • What to eat?  You can consume a chilled glass of lemon water (nimbu pani) with honey and citrus foods for a daily dose. Fruits you can have are oranges, papaya, sweet potatoes, black currants, and strawberries. 


  • Beta-carotene is responsible for sebum substance which leads to shiny hair. Beta-carotene is also called Vitamin A, which is linked to good healthy hair. 
  • What to eat? Sweet potatoes are stuffed with vitamin A and beta-carotene that encourages the growth and thickness of the hair.