Across centuries, Chinese civilization has cultivated a rich tradition of beverages, deeply rooted in herbalism, holistic health practices, and the pursuit of balance. From ancient medicinal brews to contemporary wellness teas, the spectrum of Chinese drinks reflects a profound reverence for the connection between what we consume and our overall health.

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Drawing from a vast pharmacopoeia of botanicals, Chinese herbalists have crafted an extensive repertoire of medicinal brews, tailored to address a spectrum of health concerns. From rejuvenating ginseng tonics to calming chrysanthemum teas, these herbal teas harness the power of nature to restore balance and vitality within the body.

Green Tea

After regular black tea, the most popular tea is green tea and it is also a testament in the Chinese range of beverages. Consuming green tea is popular among the new generation these days due to it's renowned health benefits. This beautiful tea is procured from the camellia sinensis leaves and it's very distinctively processed to keep the earthiness and sweetness intact. It's rich antioxidant properties is what makes it a more beverage worldwide. 

Chrysanthemum Tea

Chrysanthemum tea, cherished in Chinese culture for centuries, embodies both tradition and wellness. Brewed from dried chrysanthemum flowers, this aromatic infusion offers a delicate floral flavour with hints of sweetness. Renowned for its numerous health benefits, it is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, promoting vitality and immune support. Its light, refreshing taste makes it a popular choice for relaxation and detoxification.

Soybean Drink

Soybean is a very popular food item and is consumed in various forms in many parts of the world. From fermented natto, to soy sauce to tofu and nuggets, it is an extremely versatile ingredient and in the Chinese history of beverages a traditional drink is also curated from the soybeans. It is said that this drink is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals hence this drink can be used as a great fusion to classic matcha or strong flavoured teas. 

Wang Lao Ji

Wang Lao Ji, a renowned Chinese herbal tea, has been cherished for centuries for its health benefits and refreshing taste. Infused with a blend of traditional Chinese herbs, including honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, and jiaogulan, it offers a delightful balance of flavours like herbal, floral, and slightly sweet. This ancient remedy is celebrated for its ability to cool the body, promote digestion, and support overall well-being.

Ginseng Tea

Ginseng, popularly known as ashwagandha in Indian culture. In the popular ayurveda traditions too ginseng had a very significant role to play and similarly in Chinese tea traditions this ingredient was used in teas to attain the health benefits. The earthy flavour and natural sweetness makes it a great choice for the tea enthusiasts. This tea is also very prevalent as an immunity boosting beverage. 

Hawthorn Tea

Hawthorn tea, a beloved Chinese beverage, boasts numerous health benefits. Crafted from the dried hawthorn fruit, it offers a unique balance of sweet and tangy flavours, often enhanced with hints of cinnamon or liquorice for depth. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, this tea aids digestion, regulates blood pressure, and promotes cardiovascular health. Its soothing aroma and refreshing taste make it a popular choice for wellness enthusiasts seeking a delicious and nourishing beverage.

Jujube Tea

Jujube is popular in both Chinese and Japanese tea traditions. This tea is made from dried jujube fruit, dried longan, lotus seeds and also goji berries. Enriched with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, jujube tea support your digestion, and also boosts your immunity. The combination of all the ingredients makes the drink a great companion for a relaxation experience, along with adding a plethora of health benefits.