Barley is a wonderful cereal grain that is quite versatile. Barley water is a traditional summer drink which is drunk throughout India. The process of making it involves boiling barley grains in water, straining the liquid to remove the grains, and possibly adding additional ingredients, such as salt and sugar. This healthy beverage is widely popular in Greek, British, and East and Southeast Asian communities. Kykeon, a popular beverage in ancient Greece prepared from barley water, was believed to be a remedy for several illnesses. It was mostly used in Britain as a hot beverage, similar to tea, and was usually flavoured with lemon rinds, sugar, or other fruit juices. According to reports, Wimbledon athletes are often given orange-flavoured barley water during the summer. In Asia, barley water is usually consumed both hot or cold, plain or with a lemon flavouring. 

Here are some benefits of Barley water-

1. Aids Weight Loss

Barley water can maintain a healthy digestive system and metabolism because barley is a significant source of dietary fibres. Additionally, it may prolong your feeling of fullness and lessen cravings. Because it digests slowly and keeps you filled for longer, barley water can aid in weight loss. This is because barley water hydrates you while still having a high calorie and low-fat content. Barley water also promotes healthy metabolism.

2. Controls Blood Sugar Levels

Prevotella, an intestinal bacteria that has been found to reduce blood sugar for up to 11–14 hours, is grown more rapidly when barley water is consumed. Unsweetened barley water helps in preventing increased blood sugar levels. Barley's antioxidant content helps in the regulation of blood sugar levels.

3. Great Detoxifier

Regular use of barley water aids in the urinary tract's ability to remove toxins from the body and the intestines. Beta-glucans, a class of carbohydrates found in the cell walls of barley, are principally responsible for starting this process. As a result, it aids in the body's internal system purification.

4. Cures Urinary Tract Infections

Children or adults are frequently advised to drink a few glasses of barley water each day until the infection goes away since it has a diuretic effect, which is why it is used as a natural cure for urinary tract infections in many Indian households. Additionally, kidney stones and cysts are believed to be cured with barley water. 

5. Promotes Healthy Skin

Few individuals are aware of the benefits of drinking barley water for your skin. When you drink barley water, your face gains a glow and seems healthier as a result. Additionally, it gives your skin a fresher and better texture. Azelaic, a substance found in barley water, is useful in the treatment of mild to moderate acne. Due to its high antioxidant content, barley water also has anti-ageing properties and aids in the fight against free radicals.

Barley Water/ Instagram- spicestokitchen

Here's how you can make Barley water at home- 


1. Pearl barley

2. Water

3. A pinch of salt

4. 1 tsp honey (optional)

5. 1/4 lemon (optional)


1. Bring the water and pearl barley to a boil in a saucepan.

2. After adding the salt, simmer the liquid for 30 minutes. Stir frequently.

3. Pour it through a strainer into a glass, top with honey, and add a lemon rind. Let it cool and drink afterwards. You can also refrigerate for 30 minutes before drinking.