As soon as we hear the word ’Mexican’, it gets us to start salivating as our mind constantly begins to resolve around the thought of scrumptious Mexican tacos and burritos that are of course delicious enough to have us drooling. Although it's not just the Mexican food that is appeasing but also their drinks, both cold and hot. Everytime someone talks about Mexican drinks, the thought of Margaritas enters our mind straight away. Have you got a chance to try other tempting Mexican beverages yet? Let’s for once keep Margaritas aside and spend our comfy winter time with other popular Mexican hot beverages that can sure to knock your socks off. We are leaving you alone with these 5 must-try Mexican drinks to enjoy your winter season with.  

1 Mexican hot chocolate  

Contemplating how a Mexican hot chocolate is different from a regular American one? Mexican hot chocolate is put together with a hint of spices as it uses cinnamon and a wee bit of chili powder. Do you know chocolate has played a significant role in the history of Mexican cuisine? Chocolate was initially first tasted by Mexican people in a beverage rather than eaten. So tickle your tastebuds with this Mexican hot chocolate that has an indulgent mix of both sweet and spice.  

2. Mexican Carajillo  

Carajillo is a hot coffee drink that is most typical to Spain, but also quite popular for its other variations that are adapted by different countries over the years. In Mexico, Carajillo is brewed by mixing hot espresso with a sweet vanilla- citrus flavoured drink which is then poured on in a short glass and served warm. It is mainly enjoyed as a digestive after meals so complete your meals with a Carajillo.  

3. Atole  

Atole is a traditional hot corn-based beverage that originated from Mexico. An Atole is blended by combining corn flour with water and unrefined cane sugar which is flavored with a cardamom, vanilla, chocolate and fruits. It is commonly relished during breakfast and dinner time at any time of the year. We suggest you blend your own Atole this winter season.  

4. Champurrado

Champurrado is a thick and warm chocolate-based Atole that is prepared in the similar manner as a typical Atole except that it's packed with chocolatey flavours and sometimes enriched with eggs, ground nuts and orange zest which not only makes it extra flavorful but also gives it a healthier twist.