There has been a lot of chatter about the food that is being served this year at the Olympic Village in Paris and the food shortage. Athletes too have been sharing updates about their diet and about the food they are sampling; gymnastics champion Simon Biles, for instance, shared some honest reviews about the food she sampled at the Village. And while the food spread is a mix of hits and misses, a double chocolate muffin from the Village canteen has gone seriously viral.
The double chocolate muffins were made famous by Norwegian distance swimmer Henrik Christiansen who made numerous TikTok videos about it. He first posted about the "Choccy muffin" in a July 25 TikTok review of food in the Olympic Village, in which he gave the now-famous muffins an "Insane 11/10." He has posted about the muffins more than 10 times ever since and these posts have amassed millions of views. Posting a video on TikTok and using an audio from the movie "Shrek," Christiansen permanently solidified his Olympic identity as the "Muffin Man."
No wonder this virality has also inspired other Olympic athletes to explore the famous muffins, including American swimmers Abbey Weitzeil and Torri Huske, who described the muffins as cake-like, with melted chocolate fudge inside.
Sodexo Live! is the company is responsible for feeding the 15,000 athletes living in the Village and a representative for the company revealed that these 130 g “Maxi” muffins are presented in a tulip cup.
“It is filled and topped with dark chocolate, featuring chunks of dark chocolate and milk chocolate. This muffin is served daily at the main athletes' restaurant and at the six takeaway food areas within the Village,” the rep shared.
“This dessert is very popular, as around 2,000 chocolate muffins [are] consumed each day at the Athletes' Village. In total, Sodexo Live! plans to serve 100,000 muffins throughout the Athletes’ Village during [the] Olympic and Paralympic Games,” says the company, which wouldn't reveal the recipe.