Viral: An Ice Cream That Doesn’t Melt Even Under Flame
Image Credit: Image: Shutterstock

What can work like magic amid the sweltering summer heat? A scoop of ice cream! Honestly, we all scream for ice cream. Afterall a tempting ice cream scoop is what most of us need to refuel our souls, be it in between work or in the evening, and even post dinner. But the real challenge comes when your favourite scoop of ice cream starts melting and dripping all over, often reaching the tip of your elbow, doesn’t it? What if we tell you there is an ice cream that doesn't melt? Not even when baked! Yes, you read that right! An ice cream like that does exist. Read on to know more. 

Made by a Chinese brand named Chicecream, the popsicle remains solid even under a flame, in high-temperature conditions, said a report by Global Times. Chicecream is a popular brand, known for making expensive, luxury ice creams, however recently several customers have shared their displeasing experiences with the ice cream. In several videos that went viral, posted on Chinese social media Weibo, showed people trying to melt the ice cream with a blowtorch but to no avail. And this has raised several concerns about the safety of the product as well. Take a look:

The unusual quality of the ice cream came to light after one user posted a video where he tried melting it with the flame of a lighter, but the ice cream managed to resist the heat too, reports AFP. The video soon went viral, prompting netizens to try various different ways to melt the ice cream. While one placed the ice cream at room temperature of 31 degree Celsius for an hour, the other put the ice cream under a flamethrower. Surprisingly, all the efforts went into vain, as the ice cream still remained intact. 

Following this, Chicecream released a statement on Weibo and said that they sell no such ice cream which would melt. In addition, the brand also mentioned the ingredients of its Salt Coconut ice cream in the statement which includes milk, coconut milk, light cream, whole milk powder, and sweetened condensed milk. It contains over 40% solid matter which is 20% higher than the national standard, as per reports.  

The company also responding to the controversy and wrote in a Weibo post, “We believe that it is not scientific to judge the quality of ice cream by baking, drying or heating ice cream,” reported South China Morning Post. 

What is your take on the bizarre ice cream? Let us know.