With winter at its fag ends, let’s enjoy the last few days and what best then to sip in some amazing hot drinks from across the globe. Interestingly every country in the world sees some or the other specialty be it a hot chocolate, hot toddy, hot matcha, or a Grog these warm drinks are sure to sooth your souls.
Mexican Atole
This drink has been there for a much long long time dating back to pre-Hispanic Mexico. In earlier days a woman was considered marriageable only if she knew hoe to make an Atole (pronounced ah-TOH-leh). This warming drink is sipped mostly during breakfast or dinner, Atole is made with corn flour (masa harina), water, milk, cinnamon and vanilla. For sweeting brown sugar is used but if looking for the more authentic way use piloncillo. Drank traditionally during drunk the celebrations of Dia de los Muertos, this inviting and comforting drink is drank as you pour it in a mug. It sees a consistency which is thin cream of wheat.
Scottish Hot Toddy
Who doesn’t like to sip in nice hot toddy. But do you know that this name is very much Indian as the Britishes anglicized it from the Hindi word tārī. The hot inspirations from Scotland. Hot toddy sees a mix of whiskey (but a dark rum or bourbon also goes best), hot water, honey and spices and a cinnamon stick. Drinking this is surely medicinal. If you want an extra punch add a lemon slice to the drink
British Grog
This drink gets its name from British admiral Edward Vernon, aka Old Grog because as he used to wear a grogram fabric cloak. Grog that was invented by sailors of the British Navy, Grog can be any alcoholic drink even beer. Grog sees two parts of refined sugar and three parts of any strong rum and four parts of water. This rum-based drink sees both a cold and a warm version.
Po cha, Tibet

Glühwein, Germany
This Mulled wine from Germany happens to be the most heart-warming holiday drink. The main difference how it’s different from normal Mulled wine is the fact that the Germans keep it pretty simple and basic, but if you want to pep up the flavour and mood you can surely add some vanilla, ginger, or even black pepper. This easy warming wine drink is absolutely easy too make at home.