This Diwali Savour On Dishes From Across India

Diwali is regarded as the "festival of lights" and is also celebrated with exquisite food. Various savoury dishes and desserts are prepared as part of the ritual and shared with close family and friends. The preparations for the biggest festival have started, and it's impossible to think of this festival of happiness and harmony without mentioning some indulgent treats that have been an essential part of our culinary culture, from charmingly lit streets to tiny fairy lights winning our hearts to the encapsulating aroma of desi ghee ladoos and mithai. This year, Diwali will be observed on October 24, 2022. If you haven't yet rolled up your sleeves and begun planning for the festival of lights and flavours, then check out these simple yet delectable traditional dishes that you may make for the occasion and share with your loved ones. In light of this, we have put together this list of five traditional Diwali sweets from all over the nation that you must sample. 

Singhal - Uttarakhand 

When celebrating festivals and other occasions, Singhal, a traditional meal from the Kumaon hills of Uttarakhand, is served. Semolina, banana, yoghurt, and milk are used to make this deep-fried snack, which is spiced with cardamom and fennel seeds. Over tea in the evening, singhal is frequently eaten as a dessert and a snack. 

Moti Pak - Rajasthan and Gujarat 

A delicious sweet barfi called moti pak is made using besan, or chickpea flour, and sugar. Its ingredients, khoya, saffron, cardamom, and ghee, give it a rich flavour despite tasting remarkably similar to laddu. Last but not least, chandi-ki-barak (silver leaf) is used to coat it, giving it a refined appearance. 

Chiraunji Ki Barfi - Madhya Pradesh 

The "Chiraunji Ka Halwa," from which the Chiraunji Ki Barfi is manufactured, is said to have been created by a Mr. Jamuna Prasad Choudhary from Madhya Pradesh. For those who are unfamiliar, chiraunji is a pricey dried fruit that has a number of health advantages. The dessert, which is prepared in desi ghee, is typically marketed either warm and in a loose form as halwa or cooled and cut into square shapes, or barfi. 

Teepi Gavvalu - Andhra Pradesh 

Traditional Andhra sweet snacks known as "Bellam Gavvalu" or "Teepi Gavvalu" are made with flour and jaggery. The Telugu word for seashells is gavvalu. This vegan, crispy treat can be kept fresh for up to two weeks. Small shells made of maida (all-purpose flour) are first prepared, deep-fried till golden brown, and then covered in a syrup made of sugar or jaggery. 

Marundu - Tamil Nadu 

If you feel full after indulging in a lot of sweets, Deepavali Marundu, or "Legiyam," is for you. The major purpose of this traditional Tamil Nadu dish is to help people digest the rich sweets and savoury foods they eat during various celebrations. Furthermore, the Marundu has an exceptionally long shelf life and can remain edible for up to a year.