Cocktail have always ruled the drinking world. Everybody fancies a well-done cocktail, served in a fancy glass and so on. But remember adding a lemon slice or a nice fancy little umbrella to your glass doesn’t make it a cocktail. There’s a a lot that goes into making an amazing cocktail that becomes world famous and also tops the list as the most popular cocktail in the world. Going back to history, it sees many interesting and amusing stories, and also sees many conspicuous stories. The whole idea of creating this fancy drink has been there since ages as alcohol brewing had been happening for centuries. Cocktails that are traditionally thought as an American innovation, but cocktails also do see a much British inspiration and punches like the use of fruit juice, spices, and more, that was consumed in punch houses around 18th century. The word cocktail documented and used in publications from 1798 and 1803.
With a bunch of cocktails that has been around for centuries, let’s see the one’s that have topped the list over the years.
Pisco Punch
Crafted by Duncan Nicol at the Bank Exchange Saloon around 19th century, in San Francisco, California, Pisco Punch a mild tropical combination of pisco brandy, pineapple, lemon, orange, cloves, and a Champagne float. This mild fresh cocktail, gives a kick like vodka.
Using brandy as a base, Sidecar gives brandy it’s much unrated importance. One of world’s most ordered cocktails, the drink sees a mix of brandy, lemon, and triple sec, making a tart, refreshing tipple. Sidecar is said to be evolved from the original sour formula.
Irish Coffee
This drink sees 20% more alcohol /YOUinion