Rhea Kapoor’s passion for food and festivities seemed like the perfect time for her to have fun with some of her talented friends. The producer, who is known to be quite the hostess herself, was seen attending a dinner gathering at celebrity designer Masaba Gupta’s home – that she shares with actor Satyadeep Misra. The party, whose guest list also included pastry chef Pooja Dhingra and hotel heiress Samyukta Nair, was an extravagant dinner feast that took up a significant part of glimpses shared on social media.
The centrepiece – a grazing table designed by Gupta herself, displayed an assortment of gourmet cheeses, cold cuts, focaccia bread, crackers, fruit and dips. The designer, whose dinner party also included some kind of roast meat with rosemary and lemon, also had a sumptuous spread of rice, curries, a buttery-golden pie and mash, among other things. This was not including the variety of desserts that Pooja Dhingra created for the party – from chocolate rum choux puffs, Christmas cookies, a strawberry trifle a cake studded with sprinkles and topped with more choux puffs, Parle G and chai biscuit pudding and Jolly Rancher candy cane that was sure to make guests feel more than welcome.
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Rhea also posted a picture among the carousel of photos of a lip-smacking crab curry with a peppery curry that sat pretty in a white bowl. If it wasn’t evident that the holidays had officially begun yet, this feast fit for kings surely was the indication of it. The dreamily decorated table that was loaded with Christmas ornaments and groaning under the weight of all the food, was surely a sight to behold! Tell us what your favourite memories of the holidays are in the comments.