Recipe: Kickstart Tuesday in high spirits with sabudana pudding for breakfast

We're not ‘pudding’ up with what Tuesday has to offer but if there is sabudana pudding for breakfast, we think we can change our mind. You see, we are always up for desserts that comes packed with health benefits and since a bowl of sabudana pudding is one of them, we couldn't resist sharing its mouthwatering recipe with you.

If you though that an instant pudding does not exists, let the recipe below change your mind as it can be whipped up in barely 15 minutes and serves 4-5. Life is short, lick the bowl and check out the recipe of sabudana pudding here to bring a smile to your breakfast table and say “no” to Tuesday blues already.


tapioca pearls

coconut milk


pumpkin seeds

coconut sugar

rose petals


Soak tapioca pearls in 1 cup coconut milk for an hour to soften and bloom. Take the soaked tapioca pearls, remaining coconut milk and jaggery in a saucepan, and put over medium heat. 

Then reduce the heat and let it cook for 15 more minutes until the pearls are cooked and it has all thickened. Keep stirring occasionally to prevent the tapioca from sticking to the bottom. 

If you wish to have it much thinner, add another cup of coconut milk. Pour into bowls or ramekins to the top and let cool in the refrigerator. Toast the pumpkin seeds on a pan for 3-4 minutes and place it on a silicon mat.

Put some water and coconut sugar in a saucepan and place it on medium heat, and stir slowly with a metal fork, until it gets melted and golden. Cook caramel without stirring, until it turns deep golden. 

Immediately spread it all over the pumpkin seeds placed on the silicon mat so it hardens. Let it cool down and set at room temperature for about 15 minutes. Then break shards of the praline and add that on the tapioca pudding. 

Garnish with rose petals. Enjoy your meal!

(Recipe: Del Monte)


Sabudana or sago/tapioca pearls promotes strong bones and muscles, improves digestion, reduces blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels and prevents stomach-related problems. It is naturally gluten-free, is a rich source of carbohydrates which give an energy boost to the body and is a cooling food item which has a cooling effect inside our body that in turn has an impact on our metabolism.

The molasses content in jaggery makes it more nutrient since this nutritious by-product of the sugar making process is removed while making refined sugar. Jaggery is rich in vitamins and minerals, makes for a great immunity booster, builds a shield against health ailments like cough and cold and leads to improved digestive health, anaemia prevention, liver detoxification and improved immune function.