Tamil Nadu is well-known for its food; traditionally, each meal starts with a sweet followed by a serving of rice with either sambhar, rasam or kaara kuzhambu which is completed with some curd. Fried snacks such as appalam, vadagam or vadais are accompanied by food as side dishes.
Sundal or chickpea salad is a popular Tamil Nadu snack item. This nutritious snack is prepared by soaking the peas, seasoning them and later garnishing them with coconut shavings. This dish is served primarily during Navarathri. The cauliflower pakoda or gobi pakoda is a crispy evening snack accompanied by tea or coffee. The thattai, a crispy snack is well-loved in Tamil Nadu as well as Kerala.
The murukku is a spiral-shaped crunchy snack deep-fried in oil. The savouriness of the snack comes from cumin, onion powder and chilli. The kuzhi paniyaram is another dish that can be either spicy or sweet. The paniyaram is prepared with batter which is made into ball shape treats. Like the kuzhi paniyaram, the kozhukattai is another traditional Tamil Nadu delicacy made from rice flour, coconut and sugar. The filling can be chosen according to the maker’s liking, too.
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